Posted February 09, 2012
Titanium: Begging my pardon, didn't mean to imply that would be implicitly your fault. Just that when you find the means, you should invest in a modern operating system.
I believe relatively few people upgrade new Windows releases to their existing PC. Most people use the same Windows release that originally came preloaded with their PC, and move to the next Windows version only when they buy a completely new PC (and again get OEM Windows preloaded with it). Also you must remember that if you are a retro gamer, switching from WinXP to (esp. 64bit) to Win7 can cause more compatibility problems. That's why not all GOG games provide Win7 support either.
I hope Win8 comes out soon, then we can point fingers to those who still use the ancient Win7 OS. Get on with the times already! :)
I of course have the best of both worlds, Win7 on one PC and XP + Win98SE on an older retrogaming PC.