Scureuil: Hmm, You do know that at least some gamers don't use Steam at all?
i'm not sure how those two guys factor into this... ;)
Scureuil: Or gamers on dial-up or not having their gaming computer connected to Internet.
i don't even know what you mean. dial-up? hasn't that been extinct for a decade?
Scureuil: This survey is representative only of Steam users who participates in surveys... and I'm betting a significant part are kids playing on newest Grandma's word processor PC when she doesn't use it. A lot of PCs are shared between family members - most of the times the OS is the one that came with the computer.
that's kind of irrelevant when the average Steam user doesn't have much of a gaming PC anyway. it's a pretty well stratified user-base and thus a pretty good indicator for the kind of hardware your average gamer has.
Scureuil: There are still XP users here. It declines, but they won't disappears overnight, as long their computer works good enough. Hey, all newest PC games I bought looks great on my Mac with XP...
i don't deny that but there has to come a point where users of obsolete soft- or hardware are forced to go along with the rest of us, in the interest of compatibility and progress. it's always been that way, with CD-ROMs, with DVDs, with 3D-accelerators, etc.
GoG aren't a huge company. they have limited finances and manpower. both of which should be focused on compatibility on the latest available hard- and software. with Windows 8 around the corner, it would be a joke if they continued to support XP while neglecting W8.