Rodzaju: OOC
Can we please get a list of player / Character names? I'm getting a bit confused as to who is who & I've lost the link to the sign up thread!
1. SirPrimalForm - Taxidermist, Tanner
2. Ubivis - Wedding Planner, Frank
3. Profanity - Ex-Cop, Little Nickel
4. Barnell - Shoe Salesman, Al Bundy
5. Rodzaju - Naval Officer, Seaman Staines
6. JoeSapphire - Enginedriver Coleman
SirPrimalform: Having that penny snatched out from under my nose, I decide to have a look in
Nickel's room to see if he left anything useful there.
I walk down cautiously and try the light switch. Seeing everyone else has gotten into the swing of searching anywhere and everywhere they can, and seemingly without too much in the way of danger, you decide to brave the darkness of Nickel's room.......flicking the switch just inside the doorway tentatively while hoping for some good luck for a change.
"I'd probably have better luck if Coleman would lend me that penny he found." you mumble to yourself only moments before the light comes on, as your eyes are filled with a satisfying splash of bright glowing warmth from the room beyond. "Well at least the lights in here work." you say to yourself as the lights come on, albeit quietly to avoid evoking the possible wrath of any creatures that may lie in wait within Nickel's room.
Inside you find a very clean and tidy bunk room, obviously the work of a military man no doubt. The bed is made very neatly, and on the nightstand near the bed you spot a single picture of what looks like Nickel and an older man(possibly his father?) dressed in Police uniform at what looks to be some sort of graduation ceremony.
Looking under the bed you think you see something scurrying out of sight, but it turns out to just be a spider. Besides the arachnid interloper you find nothing....not even a dustbunny.
"Well that sucks." you mutter as you search the bedding and mattresses for anything of use, pausing for a moment before doing so as you contemplate if you'll even find anything of use....considering the clean state of the room and all. You search everything you can as thoroughly as you can, tossing the bedding aside and looking between the mattress and boxspring, but find nothing of use. You are about to give up when you note that the pillowcase looks a bit lumpy.
"Hmm, what have we here?" you wonder, as you grab the pillow and remove the casing that covers it. As you do so, a small packet of pills drops onto the bed nearby.
Picking them up you note that they seem to be sleeping pills......about a dozen or so of them to be exact, and very strong ones too. "Well they may be of some use later on, I guess." you say to no one in particular as you slip them into your pocket.
"But I wonder.....why Nickel was having trouble sleeping?" OOC: The sleeping pills are a puzzle item, perse. They aren't really needed as the characters don't need to be sleeping atm with everything going on around them as it is. I wonder if you'll find a good use for them as the story unfolds? :\
JoeSapphire: YES!! Lucky penny!
Pride and bravity fill my bosom. Nothing can stop me now.
The oozing light of the guard station beacons me. What treasures await discovery? I take my whistle chain in my left hand and my small axe in my right, and with more confidence than sense I stride across the patient bunk room to
search guard station for clues, utilising small axe to try to solve any impeding problems I may encounter in the attempt. You wander towards the guard station, hoping to find something to make sense of the current situation within, but upon reaching it you note that the
strong iron door is
very securely locked, and just from looking at it you realize that picking it or smashing it open won't be the answer to this one.
"Damn, and i'm thinking there's gotta be some good clues in there too." you grumble before checking the grating through which the light is shining from the guard station. The iron bars seem very strong & sturdy as well, perhaps even moreso than the door nearby. You try looking inside but a metal shutter has been pulled down behind the grating.....some light from the guard station filters through between the metal slats of the shutter but it is hard to see through the gaps to the room beyond.
OOC: This room is very well and truly locked, sadly. Yer gonna need a key or miracle for this room.