FraterPerdurabo: Two things:
1) I bought Final Fantasy 3 for the ipad and been playing a fair amount over Christmas. Just finished the Cave of Shadows or whatever. I felt that the White Mage wasn't quite pulling his/her weight so switched her to the Onion Knight. The Onion Knight is really shitty, but I read that they will become very powerful later on (post level 92). The question is - should I keep her? At what level will I finish the game? Will she start actually chipping in at some point? The White Mage was infinitely more useful.
My composition is: Black Mage, Geomancer, Viking and Onion Knight.
2) I got my dream job a couple of weeks ago so figured I'd give something away. Feel free to enter for GOG of your choice (besides TW2 because I haven't started yet so still somewhat strapped for cash). You don't need to answer my question in order to enter.
Happy holidays to everyone of course.
As a longtime Final Fantasy player I feel compelled to beg you to keep the White Mage! Yes, Onion Knights do become very powerful in late game, in the Nintendo DS version of FF III (and I believe all versions) they obtain the best in game weapon once they reach level 99 as well, but a White Mage is much, much more useful, especially with your party build up. Later in the game when you hit the hardest dungeons and the final boss runs, you'll absolutely need a dedicated healer or a near infinite supply of potions and phoenix downs. Plus, the WM spells are great for fighting the undead. Maybe mess with the Onion Knight on a second playthrough in place of the Geomancer or Viking (I never really liked the GM much) but for now... WM is the best bet. For reference, I was around 50 or so when I finished as I recall.
Just as an aside, I've played FF 1-9, Tactics/Advance/A2, all the Chocobo Tales games, Dissidia 012, Theatrhythm, The After Years, Crisis Core, and some other ones I can't remember. :P Square Enix RPGs are the best!
Edit: Since there is this giveaway thing... I'll toss my hat in for Dues Ex, thank you!