michaelleung: UPDATE #2: Since it's turning into a bashing of stupid Australian laws and the people that pass them, I might as well add this.
A guy who really doesn't get the whole games thing refuses to support having a 18+ age for games, meaning adults won't get to play violent games anyway.
"It certainly does restrict choice to a small degree, but that is the price of keeping this material from children and vulnerable adults. In my view, the small sacrifice is worth it," Mr Atkinson said.
VULNERABLE ADULTS! What gives him the right to restrict games (which apparently bad because they're
INTERACTIVE... OH NOES!) to adults who are old enough to vote, smoke, drink, drive, and do crazy shit? You don't ban people from doing things just because YOU think it's immoral! Let people use their common sense to see if they want to play a certain game or not for a change.
How far backwads is this country going to go in terms of common sense and "morailty" before people realize they need to riot?
"You’re worried that some unbalanced individual will think the game is real and start killing their zombie neighbours? Some people think their fucking cat talks to them! Are you going to drown all the cats as well in case they cause a killing spree?"
BTW the video at the bottom of the blog post is not representative of his usual style, and the voice is done by another person.