Well, @OP since you ask then yes, you should be more respectful about one's death, if only to not follow that man's lead in hating..
Also, people please make no mistake, this is no official Christian Church, but an unaffiliated, twisted hate group!
On topic, the worst I can say is, good riddance, for "preaching" wrong views.. The Biblical God hates sin(s), not "fags". Peace.
Edit : I'll post that as an edit to not bump that hell of a thread, not giving it more attention than it deserves..
Cormoran: We lost a true Christian today.
So many "Christians" pick and choose what they'd like to believe from the Bible so they can feel good about themselves and live an easy life. He took the high road and, whether it made hated or not, did his best to follow the teachings in that book.
Enjoy heaven, Fred. You're one of the few that deserve it.
Troll, or..? While the reject of homosexuality as a practice and behavior by God for us, His Children and People willing to follow, to trust and obey Jesus-Christ is truely Biblical, the reject of homosexuals as human persons is not permitted, at least in the Church not under certain conditions nonetheless applicable to ALL people (read below) and anyway should,
MUST NEVER BE DONE by and within our civil societies (with the exception of convicted criminals..), something which is also "as God intended", as I will explain below..
Yes, indeed Saint Paul in Scriptures, inspired by God to voice His Will
DO recommend to exclude self-professed and "seasoned", unrepentant sinners from a true Christian community, ie "fake Christians" which potentially includes certain homosexuals, as a RIGHT measure to take against corruption from within and the currently WORST possible punishment for and by Christians, to HOPEFULLY lead them to experience a Godly shame and guilt, calling them further to TRUE repentence,
BUT ONLY IN SUCH A CASE the person obviously do not (want to) find their sin to be a sin over time getting carefully taught, by that proving they willingly refuse the Authority of God over themselves about right and wrong, and / or are objectively ill intended against God's WILL, in this specific situation persons AWARE of God's Verdict about homosexuality, the ACTUALLY WRITTEN one not the all too convenient "gay theology" interpretive lies, with STILL no intention to leave their lifestyle for God, and / or as certain homosexual advocates / activists from lobbies, more often than not pushing for illegitimate "rights" and the widespread of their lifestyle(s).. Then yes such a person is not welcome to any TRUE Church, ie based on and fed by the Word of God because what will they do there, refusing to aknowledge they are sinners by the Law, the first MANDATORY step before coming by Faith to Christ for Redemption.. Not sorry to say, as it is so politically incorrect, it's getting rare to read the Truth!
Anyone blaming me of homophobia now for stating this, I've dealt in depth with this accusation in another thread, as i wrote there, BRING IT ON, PROVE me guilty of wrongdoing with CLEAR EVIDENCE, or LEAVE IT! Mind if I label you Christophobe or heterophobe, then to know the feeling of false claims..? I don't have any dog in this fight, no benefit to gratuitous, malevolent "gay bashing" like this Westboro "church" is having, but I'm here sharing with CHARITY and COURAGE the Gospel for the glory of God, if that's worthy of blame, be my guest.. Period.
We must never forget this Truth among many others, that we are all sinners equally before God, in desperate need of His Grace for our Salvation.. As Christians, we are urged to not pass any (serious) judgment on people living outside of our own communities, and that
MUST be done with kindness and respect ALWAYS, by correcting, "disciplining" the believer(s) how to carry themselves in holiness, because this is the goal at aim and ultimately our universal vocation as human beings, to develop and live a LOVING relationship with God HERE AND NOW, at the known risk of "going to Hell" to face the "bad" side of Eternal Life separated from God through suffering, by refusing His Ways permanently.. So yes, there is some Truth in the claims this man Fred Phelps is actually stating but he does it in a demeaning manner and with deceitful motives and ends, anyway..
For the global image and balance of reality as a Christian believer, God is the absolute Good, Christ speaks for the Salvation of each and every human being, no exceptions and the Bible Scriptures are His REVEALED, God-breathed Word written for us to learn God's PERFECT rules and consequences, their ethical and moral values as the objective Right. The Bible is clear, the World (a Biblical term for our human societies and governments) as we know it is totally under the control of the Devil.. This "order of things" is "as God intended", with the World accepting, promoting as "good" and "right" what the Church (a Biblical term for the community of believers as a whole, not just the Roman Catholic one, and this is the only proper way to identify unbelievers or "fake" ones from true, obedient believers / Churches of Christ) is denouncing and rejecting as "bad" and "wrong" in term of moral values, behaviors and lifestyles, and vice versa.. A proof the World is as it is supposed to be and that for a higher purpose, and everyone ultimately being where they belong..
Now, when you, we make a culture and a "pride", a lifestyle of practicing what is clearly identified as a sin, ie any sexuality foreign to the Biblical Marriage of a man with a woman (libertine sex, homosexuality, etc..) then yeah, it is purposely standing against God, digging an addiction that will more than likely destroy you, us without a radical change and the help of God, it must be said with Truth.. Though, we are to love our "enemies" and all things considered, it is still their freedom, and whatever their reason(s) are or at worst, excuse(s) for irresponsibility, it is their right and
decision to follow their own will and desires instead of the design of their bodies / genders by God's Word.
I still trust that many homosexual people, or rather homophiles because they try to handle, to tame their temptations, are struggling to be who and do what God is expecting of them, meaning not pushing what
MUST remain same-sex friendships to the "abomination" of copying the REAL, TRUE conjugal love relationship meant to be ONLY between a man and a woman, which is designed and blessed by God from start to finish. These suffering, enduring celibate and / or abstinent persons are PEARLS and JEWELS on the crown of our King Christ, so valuable to God..!!
There is a way of saying things beside extremely violent and provocative pickets to hurt others and more importantly here, fake Christians adding difficulties to people in such a desperate state and need of Salvation while we are to help! Liars and haters, obstacles to God preventing sinners to come back to His infinite forgiveness for relief through the Faith in Christ..
To my eyes, only the most stubborn person(s) legitimating their sin(s) as being good and right(s) is / are dangerously flirting with the line of being lost, "doomed" for being self-righteous, gay people or not, "religious" or not, impartially.. Amen.
Though, only one sin is unforgivable, to deny God is Holy permanently, and a Good God willing to save us by all means, sending His Unique Son for us, giving His whole LIFE, so
PLEASE, beg to God in the name of Jesus Christ, because of His redeeming Blood given for us at the Cross as expiatory victim for our sins, to be forgiven and saved from the sin, ie any and all rebelling against God enslaving us!!
Everyone still has an equal opportunity to repent anytime before Death and the Day of WRATH, God's definitive Judgment.. Peace, again.