jjsimp: Bump when it's actually DRM-Free. Only available on Steam and having an Authentication Server screams DRM to me. I'll pass until it's here on GOG without the Authentication Server.
This is one reason why GOG imho should have alpha/betas here.... Steam unfortunately handy for devs to push out regular updates for alphas/betas :/
Did you guys pre order via devs site or Steam early access?
"Pre-Order Starbound!
Learn more about Starbound!
Thank you for supporting us! Your purchase will go directly towards the development of the game and help us to get it into everyone's hands sooner. We'll have a beta available this year and we'll email you when a download link is available. You'll also be sent a steam key.
In the mean time, the soundtrack is available now and we'll continue to add to it as new tracks become available."
Umm that seems to indicate there SHOULD be a separate beta download link...aside from steam key
Dev site $14.99 for Game + Steam Key + Soundtrack
Steam $14.99 + $4.99 soundtrack
i think i know which is the better deal.....