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high rated
Dear GOG Users!
First of all, on behalf of the whole GOG team I'd like to thank you very much for your support and all positive comments we have received in so many posts. This really makes us believe that we do the right thing and gives us even more power and motivation to continue our way of bringing classic games with 100% DRM-free policy.
Second thing is, that if you are happy about what we offer here, please help to spread the word about GOG in other places. We do our best to be visible in as many places as we can, but our efforts have their limits, as there are not as many people working on GOG communication across the web as we'd like (actually two guys, Vandal and me).
Please do not treat it as a request, or something that we expect you to do. No... We just say, help us if you really feel (from deep inside) comfortable with it, and if you think that GOG is worth your help.
Once again, thank you everyone!
And have fun! team via Cook :)
EDIT: You can check our "Spread the word" section to get some banners and maybe even buy yourself a GOG t-shirt!
Post edited February 01, 2010 by Cook
You guys are the shiznit. I mean it.

I was one of the members who was really quite upset about the "site closing" hoax, but you're going to sell me Witcher 2, and a freebie, and offer Witcher for $4.99 on launch date?



I hope you can get more developers on board with this radical idea of treating your customers well.

I hope you kick Steam right off the Internet. Go GOG, go.
Hi there!,
I just joined a few days ago and just wanted to mention that I'll be trying to pimp out this site to anyone i know who plays PC games. A quick glance through the list of games available already has me excited. there are seriously nearly 10 games i know i will be buying at one point or another, as well as many others that I had heard about but know very little of. I came here for Duke Nukem and am staying for nearly everything else :).

Khabir: I'd like to suggest a game to add: Knights of Honor. It's a fun little strategy game that got less than it's due when it first appeared.

Great site. I've been a member since it began. Keep up the great work.
I Second this Loudly. Knights of Honor is one of my top 5 all time favorites and that is saying something ( I must have played close to a thousand different games in my day!) Signing Paradox would be sweet! The more games GOG gets the more people will come...If you fill the catalouge they will come, I have seen it! :-)
GOG staff your freaking awesome releasing Duke DRM free! Keep up releasing more Good old Games!

~ Kenneloth
I really appreciate the way you (GoG) treat your customers with respect. I'd love it if you could get some more modern games onto GoG though. Games like Psychonauts and Beyond Good and Evil are gold to me and I'll happily buy those sorts of games (and time frame).
Since GOG is likely to get more games and I already have some of their games now and plan on getting more, I have one important thing to do, get more hardrive space! Currently I have about 18 or 17 GBs left and still have awesome games to get, although I have to pass on the Witcher games since I have a family computer from 2008(the older games are better to me anyways.
"The Lost Eden"
I just bumped into GoG yesterday by coincidence through a youtube video. I would like to say thanks for offering such numerous classic games, it really made me smile scrolling through your catalogue. And thanks for reminding me how *ucking old I am getting. ;-)

Ps.maybe add "Lost Eden" to your catalogue.
Post edited May 06, 2011 by Frosteye
Today I registered here for a competition. And out of the blue, I got four free games. I think that's customary for Thanks. I'll be spreading the word around as much as I can.
e-ahmet: Today I registered here for a competition. And out of the blue, I got four free games. I think that's customary for Thanks. I'll be spreading the word around as much as I can.
You should also download the fifth free game Dragonsphere :)
And welcome to, we hope you'll have great time playing those classics.
I'd just like to say that the way GoG has handled the 10th May events of the Witcher 1 & 2 has been impressive, yes there has been a few hiccups initially, but overall, it's has been really well managed. Many thanks & keep up the good work.
Post edited May 10, 2011 by pcgfng
Wow. I just heard about GOG tonight due to the promo for The Witcher, and I'm really impressed.

I greatly respect your stance against DRM and your consideration for your customers. (I also appreciate your completely unintentional circumvention of Australia's unjust censorship laws, and I don't even live there. ;-)) I've always refused to buy games through Steam due to the hassle of DRM and the vendor dependency it entails. Once I have my copy, I want to know that it will work forever regardless of server reachability or the number of times I've reformatted. I want to be able to play today's games twenty years from now if I get the itch (without asking permission from a gatekeeper nanny who may or may not still be alive), just like I can play early 1990's games today. I've given in a bit on downloading certain console games from XBox Live (Limbo, etc.), but for DRM reasons and others, I generally prefer buying physical copies. Now that GOG has made downloaded games both convenient and reliable though, I'll definitely have to check your catalog from time to time!

I really hope more developers and publishers sign on with GOG, because you guys provide an unquestionably superior service to that of your competitors!
Post edited May 11, 2011 by TroggleMonkey
There is an online store where i live that covers 7 countries (we pay in our currency and they pay in dollars) , i went there to buy The Witcher 2 and saw it was Steam -_- , i told the dude from the store that i wanted The Witcher 2 and the Witcher from here! lol , he saw the price and added GOG to his games for sale , he made a mistake tho lol he used my email right but now i am therpgstore lol no big deal funny name :p

Awesome work and it seems done from the very hearth ty very much :)

And please excuse my english.

I want to say thank you for Witcher 2 that finally arrived that I pre-ordered last year happy that got it...also also got Witcher and got bonus I chosen is.....Gothic II.

Each of us has our 'game' that took us from being a visitor to a member.

The people who run this know nothing about me. I don't know them. Hell, this is my third post. I just joined. Realms of the Haunting is my game. When I'm dictator of Earth, it'll be everyone's game; I digress*. With so many games I've played, with so many games available, with so many people... to the generators of GOG, thank you for hitting a million-to-one grand slam out of the park, across the river, and back into my home.

My PS3 has a layer of dust, and the only online game I have is GTA.

This site. Man.
Challenge accepted!

Will help however I can, maybe you should create an official Steam group that we all can get into? It would a good step and an easy way for people to show they faith in you. I mean I don't have my own website yet to put your banner to...