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high rated
Dear GOG Users!
First of all, on behalf of the whole GOG team I'd like to thank you very much for your support and all positive comments we have received in so many posts. This really makes us believe that we do the right thing and gives us even more power and motivation to continue our way of bringing classic games with 100% DRM-free policy.
Second thing is, that if you are happy about what we offer here, please help to spread the word about GOG in other places. We do our best to be visible in as many places as we can, but our efforts have their limits, as there are not as many people working on GOG communication across the web as we'd like (actually two guys, Vandal and me).
Please do not treat it as a request, or something that we expect you to do. No... We just say, help us if you really feel (from deep inside) comfortable with it, and if you think that GOG is worth your help.
Once again, thank you everyone!
And have fun! team via Cook :)
EDIT: You can check our "Spread the word" section to get some banners and maybe even buy yourself a GOG t-shirt!
Post edited February 01, 2010 by Cook
mondo84: GOG does it right. Full prices aren't bloated. Sales are great (50% off) and frequent. No DRM.
Great customer support and communication.

May GOG live on and continue to grow as it seeks more products to sell.
i signed up on a few hundred days ago solely to buy Planescape Torment. i bought only retail copies and never thought too much of digital distribution.

today my collection is really growing and im really addicted to GOG like its crack candy. GOG really understands the spirit of a gamer, so keep up the awesome work well into the future!
Yes yes
i will play this game in weekend.....
First of all, I would like to thank everybody who is here and read this.
Second, I would like to thank for what you deliver to us. For me personally, I believe in you. That is the reason I buy games here. I do not like Steam. So thanks for all your support, your work for what has been done to and what will maybe in the future!

Third of all, and maybe someone can appreciate to this, there is a special need for a photo from the girls and guys who do all this. You will bring us eternally satisfaction. I want to see you, some "Meme"´s on maybe.

Danke an die Comminity!
I was just surfing around YouTube earlier today and ended up watching a top ten list over Most outrageous plot twists in gaming. Bare with me. Some guy wondered why Modern Warfare 3 wasn't on there. Admittedly, I haven't played through the game so I can't be 100 percent sure, but I refuse to believe that a CoD game can do anything with its story that I would find surprising. This guy was probably (read: definetly) pretty young and didn't know many other games. That's why I love this site, because it's full of people who are just like me. Who have been playing games for 20 years or more. Mature people. People who can spell, for gods sake! You guys know that a good game stays good forever, unlike i.e the CoD series, when you basically throw away the last iteration once the new one is out. Whenever I start to get pissed of about players being deuches or publishers trying to suck every last penny out of you, I come here, where I can meet fellow gaming grownups. Love you guys, love this site:)
Hey, I have a Youtube channel where I make sketch comedy videos and retro game reviews. I have a regular show, The Save Files, where I talk about my favorite memories of gaming.

And I LOVE what you guys do here. Aside from helping me relive those memories by playing the games again, it's also usually easier to record a game thanks to the measures you take to make them playable on modern systems. In return, I try to mention whenever I review a game that can be found here -- I've done Wing Commander 3, The Tex Murphy series, and my next video will be on The 7th Guest. :-)

As long as you guys keep bringing back classic games I used to love, I'll keep pointing out that is the best place to find them!

I highly recommend the Tex Murphy reviews -- I did all three FMV games in a row as a trilogy, with an overarching plot, and plenty of humor and surprises!

high rated
How to help promote GOG by word of mouth:

Hi! I work in promotion in real life. As a long time member of other PC/Mac digital game services such as Steam, and developers' native ports, I like the way GOG works enough to want to see it grow. So I thought I'd offer some tips to other gamers who like GOG enough to want to help spread the word effectively. Here are some topics I use to help introduce and promote in normal conversations:

If a friend mentions that awesome game they loved back in the day, seize the moment! Tell them it's on GOG, and it's cheap, and they'll get free games.

If somebody tells me they would never pay for an awesome classic because they can just download the abandonware torrent, I remind them that it's not abandoned, that it's available cheap on GOG, the developers/publishers still get a cut, and the game is guaranteed against malware, DRM schemes, and viruses that can be found in some shady torrent versions.

When somebody mentions their new hardware no longer plays their old boxed versions, failing to support things like 64 bit processors, I mention that the fixes are all in one place on GOG, and if the fix isn't patched into the main download, a good method can usually be found in the GOG forums, which are full of step by step suggestions from an awesome community of gamers who've been there.

When I notice one of my gamer friends is into being part of a community, I talk about how much a gamer feels at home on GOG. People love to put a human face on a service they enjoy. If feels nice to do things like vote for GOG to acquire certain titles, knowing you're actually affecting the direction of the company.

If somebody mentions that their digital service doesn't answer their technical questions and concerns *cough*Steam*cough*, I tell them that answers are available on GOG, if not through forums, through GOG's technical service, or even the twitter feed.

If people tell me they hate MMOs, FPS, co-op games (been there, done that), or that they really miss all the one player only games, the isometrics, the D&D classics, the heavy and deep stories... GOG.

and this one is just for me...

When I tell somebody where exactly they can find -for example- my favourite game of all time Planescape Torment for five bucks, and they LOVE it, I get the credit for introducing them to the game. Bonus Karma! If for some reason they don't love it, they didn't really drop that much on it, and they found GOG, which will change their life forever for at least two years.
byrongrenades: GUILT and FEAR
If somebody tells me they would never pay for an awesome classic because they can just download the abandonware torrent, I remind them that it's not abandoned, that it's available cheap on GOG, the developers/publishers still get a cut, and the game is guaranteed against malware, DRM schemes, and viruses that can be found in some shady torrent versions.
All good points. This one in particular made me think of Darth Vader.

Thanks GoG. You're beautiful. ^_^
GOG is an awesome site, DRM free and good prices.

To top it off, they have the Witcher and Witcher 2, excellent games that I have no problem spending my money on as a Day 1 purchase because the games' studio supports their loyal customers with free DLC and free upgrades after the game's release.

I have no problem recommending GOG to friends and fellow gamers.
Post edited April 26, 2012 by coder13
Just wanted say that I love GoG and already got 70+ titles. Came here and start buying games here to show my disapproval for DRM protections and love of old games. Looking forward for more oldies.

I always recommend GoG.

PS. Looking forward for Paradox titles soon :)
Post edited April 28, 2012 by SHADOW-XIII
I suggest Shadow Warrior, think Duke Nukem but Asian.
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate what you guys are trying to do and I support you guys wholeheartedly.
GOG 4 life!
I just wanted to say a big thank you guys. I love your work and is the best idea ever. Wish you the best!
Any reason this thread is no longer sticky'd?

Has GOG gotten to big and needs a new pot? Are France and Great Britain afraid of a new hegmonical power? Is GOG controlling to much of the old games market share? Did GOG make a wish at a turk automaton and suddently grew up over night?
SimonG: Any reason this thread is no longer sticky'd?
Same goes for Windows 7 compatibility thread.