csmith: Tomb Raider looks like a new Uncharted, to be honest. I'm cautiously optimistic that it will still have the exploration, puzzling and sense of adventure feelings that I received from previous titles.
Elmofongo: giving the state of AAA gaming by trying to make games accesible as possible at the cost of the game itself I doubt it
wodmarach: FUD FUD and more FUD this happened back in 95 with the release of win95 whenever theres a large UI shift people panic and FUD the crap outta it.
Elmofongo: did it?
Yeah "why do I have to use this start menu thing I just want the icons on my screen for me" "what the hell is this tool bar thing just make the icons drop into my workspace already" blah freaking blah. Win95 even had to have an instruction of "click here to begin" next to the start button!