Ric1987: Halo 4 and Blacklist gameplay better than Microsoft's press conference last year already.
Elenarie: But, Dance Dance Central is so awesome!
EDIT: Screw this Kinect bullshit. I'm done with E3.
Kinect is awesome, sorry you don't think so but mine gets used frequently.
wodmarach: xbox finally gets a browser
Is it just me or does tomb raider look better than expected?
That's been obvious since the original trailer last year, this might be the second TR game I actually play.
Elmofongo: the death of windows as a desktop/aptop OS
You realize this has been predicted since around the year 2000 and it hasn't happened yet... I mean, eventually it'll be right, but that might take a couple of decades and have more to do with the fact that they had to eventually roll snake eyes than the prognosticators having anything figured out.
wodmarach: I'm fine with that personally it'll stop my parents calling me every 2 minutes about their mobile phone.
This, oh god yes! This!