Posted February 05, 2012
I can't believe how stupid this girl is. Not for being an Atheist, she can believe what she wants. But I'm astounded that she is so freaking sensitive and self entitled that she costs this small town a ton of money when the economy is this way. She says she's doing it for "constitutional rights." She deserves every bit of ridicule she gets. She's no better than the ignorant "Christians" who are campaigning for JC Penny to get rid of Ellen Degeneres on moral grounds. Some people are just so infuriating.
I can't believe how stupid this girl is. Not for being an Atheist, she can believe what she wants. But I'm astounded that she is so freaking sensitive and self entitled that she costs this small town a ton of money when the economy is this way. She says she's doing it for "constitutional rights." She deserves every bit of ridicule she gets. She's no better than the ignorant "Christians" who are campaigning for JC Penny to get rid of Ellen Degeneres on moral grounds. Some people are just so infuriating.