jefequeso: I'm curious... a while back in my town, the city decreed that a certain church wasn't legally permitted to set up their yearly nativity scene in the park, because it was government owned property, and thus couldn't be affiliated with religion in any way. The nativitey scene was set up, maintained, and paid for by the church.
This is also the same park that was allowed to host a KKK rally.
What are you people's opinions on this matter? Because I think it somewhat relates.
That's a load of crap in my opinion. But again, with regards to the KKK, I say screw the constitution. I don't care if they fall under the first amendment, they're a bunch of bigots and murderers. This again falls under my rights vs. well being argument. Yes, they may have the right to spew their bullshit everywhere, as does NAMBLA, but should they? No. They should be dealt with.
Ash360: Ok, so she and others should suck it up and let people walk all over them becuse paticular people think they have more religios rights than others. Pick your battles, costing the city money? What about the people who decided it would be a good idea to try and defend it.
And now, she’s being treated like dirt by some poeple who took offence in her comunity and genraly getting the short end of the stick.
This has nothing to do with religious rights, or the constitution, or her bravery. It's about intelligence. I think she made a really stupid and unnecessary decision, that's all.