keeveek: This is why I discuss things on GOG. You never know when you would have to call somebody a nazi.
Sargon: Yeah I know. It's not like it isn't the most overused political insult in the Western
hemisphere, but when people start sporting uniforms with twisted crosses, blast loud
marching music and attack minorities for nefarious purposes you should be allowed to, as we
say in Norway, "to call a spade a spade" (and not a heart).
LoboBlanco: Depends on the "adult" ; )
Sargon: Yes, but we are all computer game players here I reckon? And in addition to the game mechanics
themselves, an important part of playing computer games for most people is make believe, to
pretend something that is not real. Just imagine how popular a purely abstract shooter or
strategy game really would be.
Umm, what??? I do agree with you though, I play games because the same way as with books I´m transported to the worlds they depict.
But when I commented before, that it depends on the "adult" I was referring to the slogan you wrote, since not all adults are "adults", nothing to do with playing games or not, but with behaviour. Maybe the word "adult" is just a wrong concept, adults seem to be just grown up children to me. It´s just that some are well behaved grown up children, while others are not. ; )