Posted May 24, 2020

Case 1: The item you need costs 20,000 gold. Each encounter gives you 200 gold. In this case, every encounter gives you a bit of progress toward your goal.
Case 2: The item you need has a 1% drop rate. While you could get lucky on the first encounter, if you do not get lucky, than you have not made any progress toward that goal.
In this case, I definitely prefer case 1. (Also, I think I would prefer it if high-end equipment were sold somewhere at a high price instead of having to be obtained via random drop.)
It's also worth noting that the frustration of Case 2 is reduced as drop rates increase; as a result, this isn't nearly as much of an issue for common items as it is for rares. (With that said, if inventory space is finite, Case 2 can get annoying with all the wasted drops, whereas Case 1 makes it unnecessary to acquire them, allowing you to save your money for other things.)

Depends on the spearhead , some allow you to chop-chop like the halberd , some dont even have a pointy end.

I'm going to look at Final Fantasy 5's strongest weapons, by attack power (and ignoring the Chicken Knife, which internally actually has a low attack power, though it's actually really good):
* Brave Blade: 150 attack, but every time you run from a battle, even before you get it, both its displayed attack power and the number actually used in calculations decreases by 1 permanently.
* Ragnorak: 140 attack, but actually getting this requires defeating one of the game's superbosses, at which point you probably don't need it anymore,
* Dragon Spear: 119 attack, does double damage (and IIRC ignores defense) against dragons; also does double damage when used with Jump. This ends up being more practical than the above weapons (though it needs to be obtained as a rare steal from an enemy with a common steal), and it's even a spear. Also, while its special property is only good against dragons, there is a !Mix that will turn any enemy into a dragon for this purpose.
Its also worth noting that FF5 has a point where you can steal a spear that's noticeably stronger than other weapons available at that point in the game; unfortunately, this is also before you get the Job that can use them (so you'd have to be a freelancer and give up ABP gain in order to equip it at that point).
Post edited May 24, 2020 by dtgreene