Landeril: Exile's hand came up towards the nearest of the bandits, unleashing a ball of fire from his fingertips "Ignite the heavens!"
You mean the skeletons? :)
Checking for burning damage, area-of-effect:
Skeleton 1 takes 3 damage.
Skeleton 3 takes 2 damage.
Spider 3 takes 1 damage.
Spider 4 takes 8 damage.
Skeleton 4 takes 4 damage.
The Creature beside him, his Archer, took aim with the bow and shot an arrow at the same spider(S1)
Spider 1 takes 2 damage
Kemuel: 44/61
Father Arkades Le'Minz: 32/41
Exile: 40/50
Rohan: 40/41
Exile's Skeleton 20/20
K1 - 17/20
K3 - 18/20
K4 - 16/20
K5 - 14/20
S1 - 08/10
S2 - 10/10
S3 - 09/10
S4 - 02/10
Enemy turn:
Skeleton (5) attacks Kemuel - 2 damage.
Spider (1) attacks Rohan - 4 damage. Poisoned (1) for 4 rounds.
Spider (2) attacks Rohan - 10 damage. Poisoned (1) for 10 rounds.
Spider (5) attacks Rohan - MISS
Spider (4) attacks Exile's Skeleton - 8 damage. No poison.
Spider (3) attacks Exile - 7 damage. Poisoned (1) for 7 rounds.
Skeleton (4) advances NW, NW.
Skeleton (3) advances W, NW.
Skeleton (1) advances W, NW.
Kemuel: 42/61
Father Arkades Le'Minz: 32/41
Exile: 32/50 Poisoned (1) - 6 rounds
Rohan: 24/41 Poisoned (1) - 3 rounds, Poisoned (1) - 9 rounds.
Exile's Skeleton 12/20
K1 - 17/20
K3 - 18/20
K4 - 16/20
K5 - 14/20
S1 - 08/10
S2 - 10/10
S3 - 09/10
S4 - 02/10
Please hold while map is updated.
Map is updated.
Reminder: you can move through or to occupied spaces.
Round 2 turns: Kemuel - move 2 or act
Exile - move 1 or act.
Arkades - move 3 or act.
Exile's Skeleton- move 1 or act.
Rohan - move 3 or act.