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Arkades casts "Divine Antidote" on Rohan, removing all poisons from his system.

Skeleton 1 attacks Skeleton (Exile): 3 damage.

Skeleton 3 attacks Rohan: 6 damage.

Skeleton 4 attacks Rohan: 2 damage.

Spider 3 attacks Skeleton (Exile): 3 damage. Poison has no effect.

Spider 5 attacks Kemuel: 3 damage. Kemuel is poisoned (1) for 3 rounds.


Kemuel: 38/61 Poisoned (1) - 2 rounds
Father Arkades Le'Minz: 32/41
Exile: 31/50 Poisoned (1) - 5 rounds
Rohan: 16/41
Exile's Skeleton 06/20

K1 - 17/20
K3 - 18/20
K4 - 16/20

S3 - 06/10
S5 - 07/10

OOC: Map updated

Round 3 turns:
Kemuel - Move 4 or act
Exile - move 1 or act
Skeleton (Exile) - move 2 or act
Arkades - move 2 or act
Rohan - move 3 or act
Post edited January 09, 2012 by stoicsentry
Nel-A: <snip>
Rohan15: <snip>
Runehamster: <snip>
Landeril: <snip>
Post edited January 09, 2012 by stoicsentry
Kemuel runs 3 squares Eastwards.
Nel-A: Kemuel runs 3 squares Eastwards.
OOC: Nice one. That should help distract attention from Rohan.
Post edited January 09, 2012 by stoicsentry

Uh, school started back, so I may be posting at erratic times. Sorry. Stoic's got my permission to make my moves for me, of course, I don't want to hold things up.
Runehamster: OOC:

Uh, school started back, so I may be posting at erratic times. Sorry. Stoic's got my permission to make my moves for me, of course, I don't want to hold things up.
No problem. Well, it's your turn now, so if you want to use it, go right ahead!
Attack S3
Runehamster: OOC:

Uh, school started back, so I may be posting at erratic times. Sorry. Stoic's got my permission to make my moves for me, of course, I don't want to hold things up.
stoicsentry: No problem. Well, it's your turn now, so if you want to use it, go right ahead!
OOC: Sorry, dang, a bit swamped here. I'm doing a double-speed graduate program so this may not have been the best time to start a forum-RPG.

"Light help me, these spells aren't going to last very long..." the cleric muttered, raising his hand towards Exile. "Light cleanse the foul taint from his blood!"
Post edited January 09, 2012 by Runehamster
stoicsentry: No problem. Well, it's your turn now, so if you want to use it, go right ahead!
Runehamster: OOC: Sorry, dang, a bit swamped here. I'm doing a double-speed graduate program so this may not have been the best time to start a forum-RPG.

"Light help me, these spells aren't going to last very long..." the cleric muttered, raising his hand towards Exile. "Light cleanse the foul taint from his blood!"
OOC: No big deal. We're almost done with this one. I do hope you'll join us for future quests, but of course your character will stick around so whenever you're ready to return, it'll be there. :)

Exile is cured of poison.
Rohan15: Attack S3
Excellent shots! Your darts easily slay Spider (3) and also deal 10 damage to nearby Skeleton (4).


Kemuel: 38/61 Poisoned (1) - 2 rounds
Father Arkades Le'Minz: 32/41
Exile: 31/50
Rohan: 16/41
Exile's Skeleton 06/20

K1 - 17/20
K3 - 18/20
K4 - 06/20

S5 - 07/10

Remaining turns for round 3:
Exile - move 1 or act
Skeleton (Exile) - move 2 or act
Post edited January 09, 2012 by stoicsentry
Exile casts Arc Lightning.

Checking for damage....
Skeleton 1.... 1 damage.
Skeleton 3.....2 damage.
Skeleton 4.....7 damage.
Spider 5........15 damage.

Skeleton 4 defeated.
Spider 5 defeated.

Exile's Skeleton attacks Skeleton 1.... 2 damage.


Kemuel: 37/61 Poisoned (1) - 1 rounds
Father Arkades Le'Minz: 32/41
Exile: 31/50
Rohan: 16/41
Exile's Skeleton 06/20

K1 - 14/20
K3 - 16/20

Skeleton 1 attacks Exile's Skeleton.... miss!
Skeleton 3 attacks Kemuel..... 3 damage.


Kemuel: 34/61 Poisoned (1) - 1 rounds
Father Arkades Le'Minz: 32/41
Exile: 31/50
Rohan: 16/41
Exile's Skeleton 06/20

K1 - 14/20
K3 - 16/20


Round 4 turns:
Arkades - move 2 or act
Exile - move 2 or act.
Exile's Skeleton - move 1 or act.
Kemuel - move 2 or act.
Rohan - may move up to 3 spaces AND act (perfect roll, increased speed.)

OOC: Map updated

Rohan15: <SNIP>
Runehamster: <SNIP>
Nel-A: <SNIP>
Landeril: <SNIP>
Post edited January 10, 2012 by stoicsentry
Kemuel, smiling grimly at Skeleton K3 launches another attack. He butts the warrior with the hilt of his Longsword to create some room and in the same flowing movement brings the sword up and then diagonally down again - driving it into the shoulder region. The elegant sword catches the dim light as Kemuel expertly wields it.
Attacks K1
Arkades allowed healing magic to pulse from his hands and illuminate the entire party.
Nel-A: Kemuel, smiling grimly at Skeleton K3 launches another attack. He butts the warrior with the hilt of his Longsword to create some room and in the same flowing movement brings the sword up and then diagonally down again - driving it into the shoulder region. The elegant sword catches the dim light as Kemuel expertly wields it.
OOC: Cool :)

Skeleton 3 suffered 13 damage.
Rohan15: Attacks K1
Your darts break his brittle little bones apart, he suffers 13 damage!
Runehamster: Arkades allowed healing magic to pulse from his hands and illuminate the entire party.
OOC: Oh, that's right. I forgot that you still have some energy in Mass Replenish. Nice!

Kemuel is healed for 1HP.
Arkades is healed for 4HP.
Exile is healed for 5HP.
Rohan is healed for 5HP.
Skeleton: No effect.


Kemuel: 35/61 Poisoned (1) - 1 rounds
Father Arkades Le'Minz: 36/41
Exile: 36/50
Rohan: 21/41
Exile's Skeleton 06/20

K1 - 01/20
K3 - 03/20

Remaining turns:

Exile - move 2 or act
Exile's Skeleton - move 1 or act
Post edited January 10, 2012 by stoicsentry
As Exile prepared to make his next move, there was heard a loud thud! Then another! Then another! Then another! Then another! Then another!

The bodies of six humanoids litter the floor, having fallen from the cobwebs on the ceiling. Their bodies have been mangled and infected by the poisonous spiders.

(OOC: The map will be updated once this round ends.)

For now, we await Exile's turn and that of his skeleton ally.
Post edited January 10, 2012 by stoicsentry