Right since you've started it, I'll just copy paste what I originally intended to post (but decided against and saved it in a txt file)
Carried over from the Gaming Deals Thread...
Just to discuss some points mentioned by OmegaX, the camera is shitty not only because of the lag. I may never get used to that, but it is an annoyance that can be overlooked if you're not that picky. The main problem with the camera itself is that it tends to get blocked by Thorton's head or a random object that's behind him.
The aiming is fine. I cannot for the life of me figure out what's wrong with it, but then again I hide behind cover and take my time to aim. Some of the complaints are just off, and I believe they're neglecting the fact that how well you can hit when stationary is determined by the gun's Accuracy.
I like the graphics. Facial animations are nice, but one thing that bugs me is that characters keep looking away. Doesn't matter who's talking, they all have a tendency to look away from the eyes, as if they're suffering from low self-esteem. It just feels unnatural. Still this is just a nitpick.
Speaking of low self-esteem, Mike Thorton seems closer to Chuck than the three B's that Obsidian brought up in an interview (Bond, Bauer and Bourne). He seems more a bumbling guy who's either too interested in himself, or too disassociated with himself. Lacks personality imho. Credit given where due, he does become more interesting later on in the game. He's certainly more fleshed out in Rome than when he is in Saudi Arabia.
Reviewers who said stealth is useless are the reason why I don't take mainstream reviews seriously anymore. You certainly can't bank on finishing the game with only Pistols, Stealth and Martial Arts without running into problems, but for the later part of the game it is an equally viable option compared to combat. I wouldn't have been able to take on Darcy and Marburg as easily without Shadow Operative (Expert) and Chain Shot (Master). I have to agree that Pistol alone is useless in a confrontation, since it's only useful for Critical shots, but it is a good weapon for a lot of situations.
I like the C&C in AP. Very nice, some filler here and there but there are a lot of unique permutations in which you can play out the entire game.
Dialogue wheels are a travesty for me.
Controls are very sticky and annoying. Reloading when taking cover is always a bad idea - and not taking cover is also a bad idea. I also don't like how this game goes for a "cinematic" feel by taking away the Jump button, and instead holding you by the hand, telling you where you can drop or jump. It doesn't make the game any more "immersive", just annoying. In the last mission in Taiwan, in one part of the gardens, there's actually a machine gun nest with a secondary objective close by, but even though it's an arm's reach away from the footpath, you can only reach it if you'd traveled through another doorway beside the one you came in through. Hypothetically, you don't even need to jump, just run up a few gentle boulders and you can reach it; but you can't, because there's an artificial wall there blocking your way. Whoever thought that would be a good idea?
That about sums up my thoughts on the comments brought up in the Gaming Deals Thread.