QC: If he bought the laptop, he just wasted a butt load of money.
If his daughter bought the laptop, destruction of private property.
There's some weirdness around this video as well. I guess the guy's supposed to be a ranch owner. The daughter does sound oddly overworked, but the father sounds reasonable for most of these chores once he's actually going through the list.
Still, he sounds like my father. The issue is that I have no idea who's right, I've no idea how much either actually does. I can't pick a side because truth be told, there's no way to tell who's overreacting, if they both aren't, and there's no way to tell who's being honest, if they both aren't. Something I did notice that was a bit weird though.... How did he know how many bullets were left in the gun? (Before the last shots he says "I got two left") I don't handle guns, but I thought you couldn't see what's in your clip without pulling it out.
No, there's no way to tell on most such handguns how many rounds you have left (if you eject the clip you can tell as there's normally holes in the back of the clip that let you see). You saw how the slide came back and stayed locked in the back position when it was empty? That's how you tell, and you should still visually check before holstering or pointing at anything.
Revolvers are different, but most have a guard that keeps you from seeing inside the cylinder from the back.
You can count your rounds (you know how many your gun holds), but you always assume you're wrong, precisely because of what happened in the video: he miscounted. It's easy to do, especially under stress.
At any rate, always assume a gun is loaded until you check it, never trust anyone, not even your best friend or mentor to check it for you. If someone hands you a gun and you don't know how to check, point it away from everyone and ask them to show you how to check it.
As others have said, the dad's in IT, he has a drawl and wears a cowboy hat but that has to do with the region he lives in, he's not a hick.
I'd have videoed myself donating the laptop to charity, I wouldn't have shot it, but he probably had it as a spare in trade for work or something and just bought some copies of Windows and maybe some other utility software for it. I doubt he's out a bunch of money over the laptop.
The kid most likely is a brat, just showing off to her friends. Overreaction? To me, I wouldn't go on record stating a length of punishment like that because I don't issue punishments I won't stick to. Therefor I think long and hard about whether the punishment is appropriate or not before I do. Still, he's her parent and he's probably not a particularly bad parent as things go. Sounds like he was divorced (as he said "stepmother" as well as mother) and his ex seemed to be on board with him in this. It's pretty uncommon for exes to stick up for you over their kid unless the kid is really out of line.
Psyringe: Why not let her gradually earn the upgrade by doing household chores instead?
Lexor: You have a valid point here, Sir. But, on the other hand, it could be also treated as preparation for "later" years, when she leaves home to her own, when she will not get paid for cleaning the house. Some things just must be done, whether you get salary or not for them - they are just normal part of everyone's life.
It sounds like the reality was she was cleaning up after herself and barely at that. I suspect she just exaggerated the whole cleaning up after everyone thing. If she was really poor little Cinderella the family wouldn't have had a services trade with the gal who came in and cleaned.
You don't get some sort of special reward for cleaning up after yourself, that's what you do, tough shit, it's life.