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Cleidophoros: 1. I don't believe new games will cut into older games since GoG knows their entire customer base as of right now came here for older games.
2. Sure there will be 15 year old kids with ADD showing up but if everyone sticks to their own section of the forums I believe we can co-exist.
first of all, as an adult with ADD I find your comment highly offfensive


Seriously, though... 99.9% of GOG's activity takes place in General Chat, so expecting "everyone to stick to their own forums" isn't really realistic. They're going to come, and bring the destruction of all we hold dear

low rated
I knew you weren't really normal I mean you are hanging out with a bunch of creepy old dudes talking about 20 year old games.

Simple; get another subforum titled for oldfags.

Cleidophoros: 1. I don't believe new games will cut into older games since GoG knows their entire customer base as of right now came here for older games.
2. Sure there will be 15 year old kids with ADD showing up but if everyone sticks to their own section of the forums I believe we can co-exist.
jefequeso: first of all, as an adult with ADD I find your comment highly offfensive


Seriously, though... 99.9% of GOG's activity takes place in General Chat, so expecting "everyone to stick to their own forums" isn't really realistic. They're going to come, and bring the destruction of all we hold dear

Cleidophoros: I knew you weren't really normal I mean you are hanging out with a bunch of creepy old dudes talking about 20 year old games.

Simple; get another subforum titled for oldfags.
umm... so why exactly are YOU here, again?
Vorax: I can't say I'm happy about GOG releasing new games at this point. I mean, they are called Good Old Games, if they start to release new games, the name becomes ridiculous. They said they're gonna keep their core value, but by offering new games and higher prices means exactly that this changes GO(?)G to the core, i.e. the first two points from here.

It's also somewhat strange to read stuff like "But it seems they want to expand even further, going directly into competition with the likes of Steam, Impulse, GamersGate or Origin. Which is always a bold step, but one made much more interesting when you consider their DRM-free requirement." when in a recent interview it was stated that they don't consider Steam but piracy as their competition.

At the same time, GOG is not a charity but a business after all, their goal is steady paychecks (like with every business), and if this is the way to make more profit, why wouldn't they go for it? can still keep their name/acronym, and in the main menu have a link to their online store selling the newer games; their Good New(er) Games section.

I don't think it changes GoG at its core; they'd still be selling their bread'n'butter games at $5.99 & $9.99 all DRM-Free. Their newer games will be sold at a higher price, but still DRM-Free.

So long as it's done 100% on their own terms, fully maintaining being the GoG we know & love, then the sooner GoG implements this, the better.

But yeah hopefully they've a different site for their newer games, simply so our forums don't get dumbed down. ;o)
Post edited November 17, 2011 by bladeofBG
Starkrun: Good ol' Games ^_^

If there is a way to Filter titles by price this wont matter i feel... if you can create custom filters EG all indy games... all new games... all old games this change wont be bad at all... im very excited to see this happening...
There is already a rudimentary filter in the GOG game catalogue:

You can filter by the price points and there is a dropdown with three options for game release date (pre 1995, 1995-2005, post 2005). So really, they just need to add more options to the year filter (one for each year maybe instead of groupings) and you have your wanted filters. :)
Cleidophoros: I knew you weren't really normal I mean you are hanging out with a bunch of creepy old dudes talking about 20 year old games.
Was that really necessary?
jefequeso: I really hope the community doesn't become stupid.
Darling_Jimmy: Can you imagine what the forum will look like as soon as it is injected with a surge of COD fanboys? May Gog have mercy on us all.
Hey now guys, relax. If the article on RPS is anything to go by, the indies will appear on the service first. That crowd can (and is) unbearable at times, but they don't have the disgusting noise factor of shooter fanboys on the steam forums (no matter the FPS/shooter game, they can be right douches). People usually fling the accusation of pretentiousness at that particular crowd, yet I find the general behavior of an indie fan far more pleasant then say, a counterstrike fan.

Yes, they will be bad apples, but not until we see a COD like clone appear on here will we have to deal with that type of person. I wish we get tripwire FPS's since those guys have some really nice fans.

The best we can hope for is that GOG breaks the forum in two and allows us oldies to 'politely' kick out any snotty nosed newbie who tries to trash the forums back where they should be.

On this news? I've decided to take my steam Christmas sale savings (£50 so far) and repurpose it for buying games off of this service. That's how much I'm looking forward to this awesome service. I held off buying many a indie steam game so this is right up my alley.

EDIT: Whats with the big space of nothing, mushy? Fugging idiot and fixed.
Post edited November 17, 2011 by mushy101

New(er) games, DRM-free, new price points to take this into account...

Sounds good to me :-)
As long as they keep releasing old games with the same frequency they are now, I'm okay with this. I'm not okay with it if they release fewer old games to make room for the new ones, which is what I suspect is going to happen. That would be very, very annoying.

To be honest it feels like they're making a mistake and taking the site in the wrong direction. The core of GOG is not DRM-free, it's old. I know that because they're called GOG and not GDRMFG.
Post edited November 17, 2011 by Zeewolf
Oh god.

Nightmares of how many new threads titled "WHEN IS NEW GAME "X" GOING TO SHOW UP ON GOGGNG" are going to haunt me for the foreseeable future.

It's already bad enough. :)

Also, I'm concerned about our fabulous community but there's no way to tell at this point how things will be handled and how it will affect the "feel" of the forums. I thoroughly support more games being offered at different price points DRM free. That's a good thing.
Post edited November 17, 2011 by csmith
Vagabond: (Pronounced: "gog-nng")
Nah, make it GONG (pronounced ) or GNOG (rhyming with [url=]grog)
Good Old/New Games
Good New/Old Games
Darling_Jimmy: Solution: GOG becomes Gog. Acronym becomes a word and I don't need to learn a new pronunciation.
... or this, which is pretty much how I treat it today.
Was just trying to joke, meant nothing.
Please internet, give us the sarcasm font already!
Cleidophoros: I knew you weren't really normal I mean you are hanging out with a bunch of creepy old dudes talking about 20 year old games.

Simple; get another subforum titled for oldfags.
jefequeso: umm... so why exactly are YOU here, again?
Well my first reaction i must admit was a bit mixed here i enjoyed the Good OLD Games but then if we do get more modern games DRM free at a fair price im in.

One thing about is they try their best for the community (ill let them off with the close down stunt) and i feel that they wont let us down.

Going up against steam will be a huge challange and trying to get newer games here DRM free i feel will be 100x worse than getting old games DRM free.

I can only wish them luck in this but if worse comes to worse then they should go back to what they do best giving us classic old games and we can wait a few years for the new games to become old.
Needs a new acronym. Games Over Greed?

I'm pretty happy about the idea of having a DRM free avenue for buying new games.
Vagabond: My fear is they'll abandon the "classic games" niche in favor of the more profitable newer games.
They will. If they have 350 games at the moment in gog catalog and they are planning to have over 400 titles by the end of 2012 - INCLUDING 20 newer titles - it means that, at best, we can expect 50 classic titles in next 13 months. Sad.

EDIT: And if you read through gog's current strategy all words/descriptions concerning classic gaming just disappeared...
Post edited November 17, 2011 by tburger