Vorax: I can't say I'm happy about GOG releasing new games at this point. I mean, they are called Good
Old Games, if they start to release new games, the name becomes ridiculous. They said they're gonna keep their core value, but by offering new games and higher prices means exactly that this changes GO(?)G to the core, i.e. the first two points from
It's also somewhat strange to read stuff like "But it seems they want to expand even further, going directly into competition with the likes of Steam, Impulse, GamersGate or Origin. Which is always a bold step, but one made much more interesting when you consider their DRM-free requirement." when in a recent interview it was stated that they don't consider Steam but piracy as their competition.
At the same time, GOG is not a charity but a business after all, their goal is steady paychecks (like with every business), and if this is the way to make more profit, why wouldn't they go for it?
GoG.com can still keep their name/acronym, and in the main menu have a link to their online store selling the newer games; their Good New(er) Games section.
I don't think it changes GoG at its core; they'd still be selling their bread'n'butter games at $5.99 & $9.99 all DRM-Free. Their newer games will be sold at a higher price, but still DRM-Free.
So long as it's done 100% on their own terms, fully maintaining being the GoG we know & love, then the sooner GoG implements this, the better.
But yeah hopefully they've a different site for their newer games, simply so our forums don't get dumbed down. ;o)