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Vagabond: My fear is they'll abandon the "classic games" niche in favor of the more profitable newer games.
tburger: They will. If they have 350 games at the moment in gog catalog and they are planning to have over 400 titles by the end of 2012 - INCLUDING 20 newer titles - it means that, at best, we can expect 50 classic titles in next 13 months. Sad.
50 ttiles in 13 months is sad? thats amazing! 3 classics a monthish plus new ones tossed in... im fine with that... im still hoping for the heavy hitters like SystemShock(s) and Alice and other big ones to come out....
Starkrun: snip
[Sigh]... I just like 2 classic releases a week cycle...
tburger: They will. If they have 350 games at the moment in gog catalog and they are planning to have over 400 titles by the end of 2012 - INCLUDING 20 newer titles - it means that, at best, we can expect 50 classic titles in next 13 months. Sad.
Starkrun: 50 ttiles in 13 months is sad? thats amazing! 3 classics a monthish plus new ones tossed in... im fine with that...
You realize that's less than half the number of releases we're getting now, right? I would absolutely not be fine with that.
jefequeso: Yeah, that's what I'm really worried about. I basically just got here, I'd hate to see the forums devolve already.
Darling_Jimmy: If it gets really bad I'll start posting my general discussion threads in the Kingdom: the Far Reaches sub forum. They'll never find me in there. No one will ever find me in there.

I have to stick a postit next to my screen telling me to check this subforum from time to time.
The more DRM free games the better. I have been wondering if GOG was starting to have a harder time finding good old games they could get on their site. There are still a Ton out there, some of which really deserve to be on this site, but that doesn't mean the people who own the rights care enough to bother. If GOG is finding it harder to cut deals with old game rights holders, then if they want to continue adding games at a somewhat decent rate, they are going to Have to start adding new games. Maybe it is all about resources, GOG has grabbed a lot of the "easier" to get GOG's, now they want to grab the easier gotten new good games. Who knows.
I am somewhat saddend though, I had high hopes Freelancer would one day come, along with lesser known but loved titles of mine, Siege of Avalon, and Birthright. Well, I doubt GOG will care too much about getting the more obscure GOG's now if they have an easier way to obtain different, and probably better known games. Lets face it, they will sell more copies of newer games then the more obscure older games, that the majority of people never even heard of.
The bottom line as always is money. If sacrificing some of the Old game releases is what it takes to keep GOG around for years to come, I'm all for it. As long as they keep releasing some older games and try keeping them updated to work on the newer systems and don't just let them collect dust and lay forgotten. Sorry for the ramble, just putting my 2 cents in :)
As always GOG for life! ;-P
MaxwellKraft: Needs a new acronym. Games Over Greed?

I'm pretty happy about the idea of having a DRM free avenue for buying new games.
Hah! I like this.

GOG - Games Over Greed.

But I also like GONG. What a fun word to say.
jefequeso: 1) some of us really couldn't care less about new releases and are worried that new releases are going to cut into the release of older titles. You know...the games we originally came here to get.
I don't think you really have anything to worry about, at least not for this point.

Yes GoG will, apparently, start releasing newer games... but it doesn't mean (sadly) that publishers will suddenly accept having their newer games released DRM-free, so I doubt we will really see a flood of recent games, I strongly suspect that, at least first, the newer games will be the same ones that are already DRM-free on other DD like Gamersgate or will be Indy games.
I support it, GOG build up a nice community we are all part with.
So i don't think that newer games would be a bad thing.
Maybe they will post newer games we can enjoy we never heard of, that would be great i think.
I expressed concern about this when Witcher 2 was released. It seems my fears were entirely founded.
About time publishers (and indie devs) take gog and drm-less gaming as serious as some of us do.

I am all for this.

Kudos gog, and devs and publishers, from the 15% of us.

I don't play indie games. Why? Cause of hippies, that's why.

I like the announcement though. DRM-free is always a 'good ol'' thing. Hope they can integrate the newer games and still maintain their edge in the classics.
Post edited November 17, 2011 by stoicsentry
Can't say I'm too thrilled about this.
GOG has been releasing a lot of incomplete and buggy/broken titles lately and now they'll be dividing up their time even more.
And they're rewriting the concept they started the company with.
Still, nothing any of us can do about it.
Smannesman: Can't say I'm too thrilled about this.
GOG has been releasing a lot of incomplete and buggy/broken titles lately and now they'll be dividing up their time even more.
And they're rewriting the concept they started the company with.
Still, nothing any of us can do about it.
Well, for the newer titles we shouldn't be expecting as much in the way of compatibility issues as the newer games will likely have been made to be compatible with Vista and Win7 anyway.

Also, we won't know how the GOG team will change with the introduction of new games. They may get a few more staff for all we know. Maybe some staff focussing on the old games and others on the new ones? It really is too early to tell.

However, newer games that are DRM-free is a good thing in my opinion. There are quite a few games I've avoided due to DRM. The only DRM scheme I have given into is Steam and that was mostly driven by my like of Valve titles, particularly the Half-Life universe.
tburger: If they have 350 games at the moment in gog catalog and they are planning to have over 400 titles by the end of 2012 - INCLUDING 20 newer titles - it means that, at best, we can expect 50 classic titles in next 13 months. Sad.
500 is over 400 ;)
(optimism attack)
Cleidophoros: Was just trying to joke, meant nothing.
Please internet, give us the sarcasm font already!
Buy a SarcMark :P
Post edited November 17, 2011 by JudasIscariot