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I couldn't really care less about DRM free to be quite honest, but this is ridiculously good news since GOG let us freely change our Region... in other words, new AAA titles bought here with no Bullshit Aussie Price jacking or censorship. This is Going to be up there with Green Man Gaming :D :D
Hope they know what they doing.
It would be great to see new games but - how many of the publishers out there would be willing to go non DRM especially on AAA titles?.. Guess the other thing is many of us signed up for the classic games out there - does this mean there will be less emphasis on this? ...
So basically the worst case would be bad new games. In this night's sleep I had nightmares about tons of low level, but evil monsters hiding the gems within gog from us.
Post edited November 18, 2011 by Trilarion
As long the old titles remain in the catalog, I'll support Gog 100%. If they add new games that are from Indies and DRM-free, the better. It means we have more title to discover and give support. I really don't care about the new AAA titles (except for Witcher 2), and never give notice for the new release (skyrim, mw3, bf3, etc) because I'm still busy plowing myself in BG2, I just started playing Desperados, and I'm still in Chapter 1 of Witcher (if just my body doesn't need rest I'll play till day and night).

If we might have new members that are COD fanatics just ignore them and told them to shut up if they making a lots of noise. And if they starting to spamming this community they should be banned as soon as possible. There should be rules to abide, even for a paying customer.

But please Gog, no unnecessary ads sprawling in this site.
muttly13: Hoping awesome, expecting awful. Looks like GOG is no longer happy with grassroots growth. Cant blame them but I think the worst is now coming. Assuming of course you are here for old games, I am sure the DRM free crowd will see some advantages to this. Its just the old titles I see dying off.
It's just that they know that If you do not grow, you stand in the same place, while everyone else are moving on.

I knew they will start to sell new games soonre or later even before they released Witcher 2, because it's abvious move.

And, as someone said in RPS comments:

"Paradox’ Fred Wester just twittered that he’s looking forward to selling their games on GOG."
SLP2000: "Paradox’ Fred Wester just twittered that he’s looking forward to selling their games on GOG."
Now GOG will need to revise and automate the serial code system. The keys are the most popular nonDRM DRM there and GOG still hands them out manually.
Old games or new games is not really important, but it is important that GOG keeps the focus on the gaming history (and if they can add to that, then all the better). What makes you appreciate GOG is when you compare it to Origin. I have nothing against Steam (yet, though I remain sceptical when it comes to VAC) or Gamersgate, but Origin represents everything that people fear when it comes to digital sales (invasion of privacy, closed accounts etc).

Atm I only lack seven or eight games from the entire GOG catalogue. This is because I appreciate the way GOG is run, not because I will play all the games (I think I have played four or five so far).
Darling_Jimmy: Solution: GOG becomes Gog. Acronym becomes a word and I don't need to learn a new pronunciation.
God of Gaming.
Pangaea666: God of Gaming.
I thought rather of "God! Owesome Games!".
Post edited November 18, 2011 by F4LL0UT
Pangaea666: God of Gaming.
I'm actually starting to think it should be Grumpy Old Geeks.
Darling_Jimmy: I'm actually starting to think it should be Grumpy Old Geeks.
Hey, I'm not old! I'm 23!
Not sure I like this decision but I guess no one is forcing us to buy these games
Darling_Jimmy: I'm actually starting to think it should be Grumpy Old Geeks.
F4LL0UT: Hey, I'm not old! I'm 23!
I'm 22...
F4LL0UT: Hey, I'm not old! I'm 23!
Roman5: I'm 22...
I'm 23.

On the topic of seeing an influx of new, immature posters, I think it might be unfortunate but let's not turn into snobs who look down on everyone.
trucane: Not sure I like this decision but I guess no one is forcing us to buy these games
Definitely Not. But i also predict like others influx of umm new members who come to GOG only for the cheaper pricing for new games (depending what titles are on offer). be interesting to see how much emphasis there is on classics v new games...