Posted April 13, 2011

I've just been exchanging emails with the guy who seems to run Chronic Logic. He seems to be contradicting himself. At first (on the forum topic you also saw) he says "Unfortunately we do not have access to that order information from those other purchases so we cannot transfer your orders."
When I proposed sending the update to Wolfire and Valve he said "The Chronic Logic version of Gish is not the same version as the HIB so it is not possible to just have them update their version with our update."
So, I proposed sending the updated build rather than a patch. He said "no we were not involved with the HIB.", which confused me quite a bit.
After a bit of discussion he basically said that HIB customers aren't his customers and that's why we don't have the update. I've replied asking:
"Did you see any of the money from the HIB? What about purchases on Steam? If
you got money from the HIB and Steam sales, then they are your customers and
you owe it to them to let them have the update (by giving it to Wolfire and
Valve to distribute)."
We'll see what he says.
Done a little poking over at Chronic Logic and it seems that the update isn't available because of lack of cooperation from them. Basically we don't have the update because they don't want us to. Dicks.

EDIT: His reply is "Chronic Logic was not involved in any way with the HIB or Steam versions."
Well that's puzzling. Who included it in the bundle and is selling it on Steam then?
Chronic Logic is listed as the publisher on Steam and the name also appears on the original HIB page.
Post edited April 13, 2011 by eyeball226