klaymen: Place is no problem at all. We can meet for example in someone's guild hall, which is considered a core location (so it doesn't matter which campaign you own, you can still get there), because it is in Battle isles (Grand temple of Balthazar).
The time, however, is a major problem, considering the time zones. Everyone who wants to come should write their play time and we should find the time when at least the majority can meet (I don't believe that everyone who wants will be able to come).
This week I work in the morning and my play time is ~3:00 - 7:00 PM, weekends are ~ 2:00 - 8:00 PM (all times are CET, it should be GMT+1).
Well I have a guild hall we can meet in. I can play in the mornings between about 7 am and 10 or 11 pm and in the evenings between 6 pm and 9:30 pm or so.. I'm in Arizona and right now we are on Pacific time here in the good ol' US of A