Posted October 02, 2010

resident bff
Registered: Dec 2008
From Singapore

Registered: Dec 2009
From United States
Posted October 02, 2010

I couldn't understand because we're having a good coversation about Wasteland and Apocalyptic/Post-apocalyptic fiction in the Fallout forums :D
Post edited October 02, 2010 by Tyler62092

Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted October 02, 2010
high rated
Naw, ,man, I don't live in Des Moines anymore--I'm just from there. Now, I broadcast a pirate radio signal from my secret undersea lair in a quixotic attempt to undermine Big Media by slipping subliminal Marxist messages in Justin Bieber songs. And it's awesome!
Des Moines is all right--I just prefer to be from there than to live there. (Oops, I clicked the edit button instead of replying.)
Des Moines is all right--I just prefer to be from there than to live there. (Oops, I clicked the edit button instead of replying.)
Post edited October 02, 2010 by IagainstI

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted October 02, 2010

Probably the bit that thinks you're fantastic when clearly I'm the fantastic one here

Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted October 02, 2010

I couldn't understand because we're having a good coversation about Wasteland and Apocalyptic/Post-apocalyptic fiction in the Fallout forums :D
Oh, well. I must give you a virtual smack on the back of the head /smack/ for getting me addicted to Wasteland again. Talk about a good old game!

resident bro
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

32 Bit World
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 02, 2010
We shall call this the Repneva Convention. The start of a better rep system for all GOGers, everywhere! No reppers of war, no fear of venturing into foreign threads alone, no hate for those of us who are different, who prefer point-and-click adventures over FPS, or detective mysteries over racers.
Our Utopia, one positive rep at a a time. ^_^
Our Utopia, one positive rep at a a time. ^_^
Post edited October 02, 2010 by nondeplumage

Thane of Cawdor
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted October 02, 2010
+. I lost rep for the same reason, although I gained more than I lost. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Registered: Dec 2009
From United States
Posted October 03, 2010

Oh, well. I must give you a virtual smack on the back of the head /smack/ for getting me addicted to Wasteland again. Talk about a good old game!
I hope to get the chance to try out Wasteland myself sometime soon, but for now I want to try playing X-Com again because I've had more practice at strategizing with these types of games.

Thane of Cawdor
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted October 03, 2010
Ooh, you made it free for me too? Thanks dude! ;)
Btw, can I plzzzzz have Lure of the Temptress too plzzzzzzzzz???
Btw, can I plzzzzz have Lure of the Temptress too plzzzzzzzzz???
Post edited October 03, 2010 by Gammix

Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted October 03, 2010
Bleh. :P I think I bottomed out at -6. But look now! Hooray for me! My rep has rocketed up into positive territory. I feel so more qualified to participate in the betterment of society now! I dream of the day when I'm at rep 9--oh won't that be joyful!!

resident bro
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States

Thane of Cawdor
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted October 03, 2010

Thanks for reading,

I can sort of understand why the opinion on the vote is a good idea, thats sort of what the rest of the thread is for, saying "I agree/disagree because..."
As for leaving comments, on the forum where I encountered this system there were a lot of cowards afraid of getting neg-repped in revenge and would leave comments without personally signing them. I personally always signed my rep comments, and there were other people who did as well, but I want to know what people think of my post even if they're too afraid to reveal their name. It's good for them to be able to comment anonymously.
Post edited October 03, 2010 by Gammix

Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted October 03, 2010

I hope to get the chance to try out Wasteland myself sometime soon, but for now I want to try playing X-Com again because I've had more practice at strategizing with these types of games.
And as far as end-of-the-world stuff is concerned, I'm really looking forward to "The Walking Dead" at the end of the month. It's zombie apocalypse, but if I can't have nukes in in my apocalypse, I looooves me some zombies in my apocalypse!