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IagainstI: Well, that's because you're smarterer than I am. But I'm from Des Moines, so that kinda evens it out, I guess.

Des Moines rules!
Vagabond: Whoa. I'm from Iowa too! About 90 minutes away from you.
Iowa sucks. Illinois is superior.
I thought you just got 1 rep de facto for each post. I can't imagine enough people giving my rather mundane comments a thumbs up or whatever to amass the amount I have now.
Aliasalpha: Dwarves ripped off all of Australia's best ideas
i want examples
and holy hell, rep goes up really fast now
Aliasalpha: Dwarves ripped off all of Australia's best ideas
captfitz: i want examples
and holy hell, rep goes up really fast now
Beer, mithril armour, women with beards...
GameRager: Rep goes up because it seems people can up rep every post(or down rep) of any poster they want......causing one poster to get alot of positive or negative rep in a short time......IMO each poster should only be able to rep others so many times a day......but that's just my two cents. It would help avoid rep abuse though.
well that was always the case but everyone used to only get 1 or 2 rep a day unless they were answering questions. i got like 6 today for no reason, alias goes up every time i see his
GameRager: Rep goes up because it seems people can up rep every post(or down rep) of any poster they want......causing one poster to get alot of positive or negative rep in a short time......IMO each poster should only be able to rep others so many times a day......but that's just my two cents. It would help avoid rep abuse though.
captfitz: well that was always the case but everyone used to only get 1 or 2 rep a day unless they were answering questions. i got like 6 today for no reason, alias goes up every time i see his
Alias gets rep boosts because his avatar is hot.
Maybe it IS that, I've gotten 8 points today
Why was rep implemented in the first place?
I think I read something about it long time ago, but don't remember.

It's nice to be able to give rep to a fine post/poster though :)
damn i should change my avatar to a hot chick too.
Aliasalpha: Maybe it IS that, I've gotten 8 points today
For all I know, I may have gotten the occasional rep point for my avatar too. However, the group of Wizball fans is quite a bit smaller than the group of fans of hot women ;-)
Aliasalpha: Maybe it IS that, I've gotten 8 points today
Wishbone: For all I know, I may have gotten the occasional rep point for my avatar too. However, the group of Wizball fans is quite a bit smaller than the group of fans of hot women ;-)
But no less creepy in their mad devotion. I know I am anyway... Also, at the moment you have all 7s
Post edited October 03, 2010 by Aliasalpha
I'd also like to see which posts of mine have been +/- "repped" (<-hey, is this a new word?), the Total War Center forums, for example, have this system and it is quite well-working.
Vagabond: REP IS FAKE.
Somehow, this thread wouldn't be the same without this (running gag) comment :-). Now we only nede Ralackk to say "Vagabond is fake".
Post edited October 03, 2010 by DrIstvaan
nondeplumage: We shall call this the Repneva Convention. The start of a better rep system for all GOGers, everywhere! No reppers of war, no fear of venturing into foreign threads alone, no hate for those of us who are different, who prefer point-and-click adventures over FPS, or detective mysteries over racers.

Our Utopia, one positive rep at a a time. ^_^
Yes! Take all the rep from everyone, then divide it fairly* among all GOGers!

* fairly - equally**.

**GOGer who proposed that is more equal than the others.
alexei_net: Yes! Take all the rep from everyone, then divide it fairly* among all GOGers!
I worked hard for my rep, don't you dare take it away from me and give it to everyone else!
Post edited October 03, 2010 by Tyler62092
They be repping everybody in this neighbourhood!