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Gammix: +. I lost rep for the same reason, although I gained more than I lost. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
IagainstI: Bleh. :P I think I bottomed out at -6. But look now! Hooray for me! My rep has rocketed up into positive territory. I feel so more qualified to participate in the betterment of society now! I dream of the day when I'm at rep 9--oh won't that be joyful!!

I started that conversation out at about 24. Then at one point I was at 39 from it. Then the conversation died down, and my rep slowly started dropping. I'd like to know which posts caused it and why. Then today it dropped like 6 or 7 points out of the blue. That's what inspired this thread.
I will hug you SO HARD. >.<
nondeplumage: I will hug you SO HARD. >.<
I don't know if that's a promise or a threat. I guess I'll choose to take it as a promise, should you ever see me. You'll know me by the turtle in my side.
(+ rep and cookies to anyone who identifies the obscure reference)
Post edited October 03, 2010 by Gammix
Gammix: You'll know me by the turtle in my side.
(+ rep and cookies to anyone who identifies the obscure reference)
Shredder was known to often call the ninja turtles a thorn in his side.
Gammix: Lol.

I started that conversation out at about 24. Then at one point I was at 39 from it. Then the conversation died down, and my rep slowly started dropping. I'd like to know which posts caused it and why. Then today it dropped like 6 or 7 points out of the blue. That's what inspired this thread.
Haha! That's awesome! I might start trolling myself just to get my rep seesawing. Praise Eris!! Viva la discordia!!
captfitz: VAG OF THE YEAR.
ikk.jpeg (9 Kb)
IagainstI: X-COM's a good one, too. Be prepared for Wasteland when/if you get around to it. It is very basic--we're talking stickman basic and reading text here, but man is it a cool game if you get into it.

And as far as end-of-the-world stuff is concerned, I'm really looking forward to "The Walking Dead" at the end of the month. It's zombie apocalypse, but if I can't have nukes in in my apocalypse, I looooves me some zombies in my apocalypse!
Yeah, I really like it but I kept losing so I gave up for a while. Now I feel like trying again since someone here gave me a link to a strategy guide and I know more.

The Walking Dead and zombies are awesome!
I can't say I'll watch it when it first airs though because I tend to forget, but I hope it's successful.
Robert Kirkman's a cool guy, I met him at a con. He liked my beard :D
I don't give a damn bout by (bad) reputation.
captfitz: VAG OF THE YEAR.
i was afraid to click on that
captfitz: i was afraid to click on that
I did, it's homosexual pr0n.
nondeplumage: Shredder was known to often call the ninja turtles a thorn in his side.
the_voivod: Apart from Donatello. Worst turtle ever. At least Raphael had the twin sai.
I can't vouch for their dialogue (Deaf kid in the 80's before teletext was out... Sigh) but I always thought Donatello was awesome. Haven't you heard that you can be a master swordsman but there are many stories of one monk beating a hundred swordsmen with a staff...

That's one reason monks carried them all the time.

But I can understand... I blame the shitty combat scenes.
I always wondered why Donatello's staff never broke.
Haha nah it was probably made with Australian hardwood like Ironbark. Seriously, that stuff can break axes.
Dwarves ripped off all of Australia's best ideas