IagainstI: X-COM's a good one, too. Be prepared for Wasteland when/if you get around to it. It is very basic--we're talking stickman basic and reading text here, but man is it a cool game if you get into it.
And as far as end-of-the-world stuff is concerned, I'm really looking forward to "The Walking Dead" at the end of the month. It's zombie apocalypse, but if I can't have nukes in in my apocalypse, I looooves me some zombies in my apocalypse!
Yeah, I really like it but I kept losing so I gave up for a while. Now I feel like trying again since someone here gave me a link to a strategy guide and I know more.
The Walking Dead and zombies are awesome!
I can't say I'll watch it when it first airs though because I tend to forget, but I hope it's successful.
Robert Kirkman's a cool guy, I met him at a con. He liked my beard :D