Ah Akwater, a man I met under the most curious circumstances. Gather 'round ye childern, and I'll spin you a tale, a tale of magic and adventure and whimsical tomfoolery.
It was a warm midsummer night. The grass was tall and deer and other woodland mammals frolicked under a warm breeze. I was enjoying a delicious cup of coffee and maple syrup when decided to visit the local bycicle shop, as I wished to aquire a device that would allow for fast locomotion yet required no supply of liquified hydrocarbons. I set off from my couch to my bedroom, in order to change my apparrel for something more socially acceptable for a man of my income and standing. I decided to change into a pair of woollen pantaloons, as they were the height of style, or as the kids called it, the bee's knee's. Oh, those crazy kids and their words. I also took a packet of cheese-flavoured corn-based snacks and fastened them to the left buttock of my trousers using a safety pin, as was also the style at the time. To ensure my man bosoms were also sufficiently out of sight of fellow citizens, I selected a yellow and green striped brasier and simple white blouse to go over the top. Finally, a pair of pink cotton foot undergarments and two foot coverings fashioned from rubber and leather, one for each foot. I then took my small bag of monetary tokens and set off, using my key to securely fasten my door in its frame to ensure any human who is not me is denied entry to my abode.
Suddenly, while waiting at the designated stopping point for the public high capacity passenger transportation vehicle, I spotted a most perculiar individual on the other side of the street. He gave me the oddest look and flicked a cocktail wiener at me, then continued on his way.
Later that day, I arrived at the auto mechanic shop. Yes, I know I was on my way to the bicycle shot but I wished to inspect their selection of hub caps and shoe polish. It was at that moment I met the one known as Akwater. He was sitting on a stack of chinese takeaway food boxes and eating a bucket of barbeque sauce with a side of steak before he noticed my presense. I imagined what must've been going through his mind on this momentous occasion, "Oh my, who is that spiffing individual over there? Is he the one the prophecy foretold would come and poop in my garbage recepticle?". Alas, for I was not the one who would fulfil his admittedly strange desire, however I would provide him with another good and/or service that would be almost as valuable. I noticed Akwater didn't have anything to quench his thirst to go with his meal, so I decided to select a beverage for him. I went to a automated snack and beverage distributor and purchased a small quantity of chocolate flavoured bovine milk, encased in a cylinder of aluminium. However, when I returned, Akwater had disappeared. I searched frantically, yet all I found was a stray horse and two pieces of cheese, made from dog milk.
However, I was later reunited with Akwater. I said "Hello, good sir, how goes it?", to which he responded "Most swimmingly, my excellent aquaitance. It has been filled with wondorous adventure involving strippers and canoes and a man known as Jesus performing a perfect waltz with a french poodle. How goes your awake-time?" I answered with a cunning yet eloquent: "Most perfect, you majesty. Only this morning, I aquired a most amazing early morning edible items from a refridgerated food box. I later took a nap, in which I dreamed I was riding a giant bacon and sprinkles sandwich through the Swedish deserts. Then I swallowed my canine friend's monocle". Akwater was just amazed at my wondorous adventures and could to little but stare. Eventually he decided to leave in order to aquire a large container of assorted turnip products.
And that's the wondorous tale of how I met Sir Akwater. If you'd like to aquire a transcript, they're available at all good supermarkets for the low low price of $599.95