Posted June 05, 2023

EDIT - They'd probably be best off doing a big Halo MCC-like collections for both the Gears series & Fable series, TBH.
For the 360 why wasn't "Every Party" released in the US? It was their competitor to "Mario Party" and had already been translated.
Nezumix, which translated to "Have A Mice Life" which is a perfectly cute name was released under the bland and nonsensical name of "Sneakers" in the US, exclusively at "Toys R Us". The title is more my gripe.
Quantum Redshift is actually a decent Wipeout/F-Zero competitor but never got a digital store release or a remake. facepalm considering MS has NO other games like this.
Magatama not being released outside Japan...if you are bragging about someone from FF working on this I don't care if it's too Japanese you PAID for development on it, why haggle over the comparative dollars the translation will cost?! While you had a number of noteworthy exclusives for it it still wasn't enough to break the PS2's hold at the time and this could be part of it. All of it should be at the forefront worldwide when you paid for it and along those lines "Tenerezza" and other Japanese style RPG's should have been translated for the West as the OG XBox ended up having NONE.
I say all this and will largely argue the OG XBox had the best exclusives imo.
Oh lest I forget you should have given as much support for Konami as possible for the rumors of a Suikoden 1-3 collection bundled with 3. The 5.1 would have been a wonderful addition to it.
Lastly, the cancellation of Level-5's "True Fantasy Live Online". Set to debut alongside or shortly after XBL which would have given a good reason to buy it considering online play was covered under it. For those who are wondering what I am talking about look up "Fantasy Life" on the 3DS...the descrption of gameplay matches TFLO absent online and it's considered a hidden gem. Way to go MS.
Oh and the Climax UK vs. Climax Japan was a collossal mistake and the height of idiocy. Millions of dollars wasted on the wrong dev. house because someone didn't do a Google search.
As it stands MS should reboot "N.U.D.E."(Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment" and see how it could go with just an AI seed.