Posted January 25, 2024
Shanuca: Just checked, no hidden games. After getting Mordheim (giveaway), the drop down menu updated to 1174 and the profile page to 1173. Weird.
Edit: now it got updated to the right count, nvm. Thanks!
BreOl72: That's strange. Edit: now it got updated to the right count, nvm. Thanks!
When I look into my numbers, they always add up exactly.
Doesn't matter whether I add a new game (for free, or otherwise).
The number shown under the drop down menu in the header (A), is equal to the numbers shown under "My Collection" (B) plus the "Hidden" games (X).
Or alternatively: the number under "My Collection" (B) is equal to the number in the header menu (A) minus the "hidden" games (X).
So: either [A = B+X], or [B = A-X].
And (afair) it has always been that way.
Edit: the attachment shows, what I would have imagined your account to look like.