Delixe: Same here. I was logged off in game and yet all my DLC was accessable. I was using the Retail version though.
Some of the DLC is DRM-protected, some isn't. The DRM-free DLC doesn't require authentication. The place you bought the game determines what bundled DLC you have and only some of those have DRM. All "premium" DLC has DRM and this even applies if they are bundled.
EDIT: using the magic of the internets, I present to you the mighty list of Dragon Age DRM! What DLC you start with is determined by a labyrinthine mess of what edition you bought and where you bought it with seemingly no way to have it all, so don't be surprised if you don't have some of the things on this list.
DRM free The Edge
Embri's Many Pockets
Helm of the Deep
The Lucky Stone
The Lion's Paw
Amulet of the War Mage
The Wicked Oath
Blood Dragon Armour
Mark of Vigilance
DRM-protected (even if bundled)
The Stone Prisoner
Warden's Keep
Feral Wolf Charm
Guildmaster's Belt
Band of Fire
Dalish Promise Ring
Collector's Edition Item pack (Bergen’s Honor, Grimoire of the Frozen Wastes, Final Reason)
Memory Band
EDIT EDIT: note that all future "premium" DLC will also fall into the DRM-protected category.