Posted November 29, 2009

Difficult to say exactly how different it was, since I only had the best version of survival (so I could see enemy levels on the map) very late on.

That's what happen to be at Redcliff castle that I unlocked at the "begining" of the game, then leaved to do other quest and only came back 6-7 level later, as a result nearly all the enemy I met there were very weak and posed little thread to my group, even in hard difficulty.
Denerim was the last place I visited though, and I would assume the final section should be tougher than any other part. The lower level enemies were also present at Redcliffe, which was one of the first places I visited, but again, that should surely be different given it was the endgame.
Things got difficult as I progressed through that final section in Denerim, but for a large part of it the majority of enemies were level 10, and died in 1-2 hits.
Perhaps the volume of enemies was supposed to be the challenge, but using things like fireball and other area-effect spells dealt with them pretty easily.