Arkose: I was under the impression that the game and DLC serials attach to your "BioWare Social" account (or whatever it's called) which means you don't need the DLC serials again and only need the account itself to access them.
Also note that some of the pre-order/bundled DLC has no DRM and thus isn't affected by this issue at all; there's a complete list in
my earlier post of what falls into what category. Bear in mind that having as little as one DRM-protected DLC active when you save your game will "infect" that save and make it require activation.
melchiz: I'll have to try logging into my account when I do it. Either way, that means save files are locked, which annoys me.
I think you may be making too big of a deal out of this. Let's go over why you would need to do this:
You somehow did something so bad that Bioware destroyed your account. I honestly can't think of anything that would result in this, but I think that, at this point, you aren't a valued customer :p
You are playing at a friend's house: Reasonable, but DA is a very SP oriented RPG, so I can understand if that wasn't really a priority.
You are giving a friend a save file with the DLC: Do we really need to say why this wouldn't be supported? :p
That being said, all DLC is linked to your Bioware account. It is possible that your serial number and your Bioware account are linked, but whatever. Either way: Just don't lose your serial or your bioware account log-in.
Seriously, I don't understand how people lose serials and discs. Just keep your crap in the box the game came with. With the DVD-case style boxes these days, you don't even get the "I don't have room for the Starcraft Battle Chest" excuse.