superfly2000: Lot's of building going on.
Nice to see the server so lively.
I blew up someons house btw...sorry. was a creeper attack....and I almost died in the process.
How can 4 creepers spawn at the same time and place?
They blew out one wall of the house and the ground outside. Got it mostly fixed now.
Built some egyptian and one mayan and then a sphinx. Also numerous bed & breakfest places.
Can you lead the dogs? The stupid mutt doesn't wan't to follow me....
I gave it a couple of bones so it got a red collar. Then from sitting i told it to follow but it doesn't follow into a house a built for it.
Hmm next time I'm telling it to sit and then building the house around it lol......
Dogs cant go through doors. You have to remove one block from the wall so it can get inside.