Posted March 18, 2010

I'm aware of the other bugs people are reporting, too.
A lot of it has to do with the 1.03 patch, which was a pretty borked up patch. Some of the quest-breaking issues have turned out to be due to installed mods and some have turned out to be the result of people not understanding how to complete them though. But yeah, there are reports of lots of other things as well (many reports of CTDs). It remains to be seen what else I'll run into once I finish the game.
I just actually started another play-through as a male human noble fighter, probably going reaver/champion, previous one was an female elf mage arcane warrior/blood mage. Game feels a lot easier on the second run through, probably most because I have tactics down now and I know what spells are useful in early game (force field, misdirection hex, cone of cold, etc). I'm definitely going to try to swing to become the ruler of the country this time around, hehe.