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How's the new series, to anyone who's seen it? I'm torrenting the new episode right now, but I just want some non-spoilery insight on it.
I have to say I really enjoyed it, this new Dr could turn out to be ok. I won't go into anything just watch and let us know what you think.
Matt Smith is gonna make an excellent Doctor. The story is fast paced with lots of humor, great assistant and with a very smart formal introduction from the doctor at the end of the story. Loved it.
I warmed to both Matt Smith and Karen Gillan straight away. The script was fast based and amusing and the new TARDIS set is impressive. I actually only have one gripe and that's the new theme tune, not sold on that yet.
I watched it yesterday evening and I really enjoyed it. I think this season will be amazing, due to Steven Moffat (Jekyl tv-show, DW: blink / Silence in the library / 'Madame de Maintenon' ....) being the main scenarist . At least hat's what I read and I think he wrote the best scenarii among all the new ones.
Geronimoooo !
Potzato: I watched it yesterday evening and I really enjoyed it. I think this season will be amazing, due to Steven Moffat (Jekyl tv-show, DW: blink / Silence in the library / 'Madame de Maintenon' ....) being the main scenarist . At least hat's what I read and I think he wrote the best scenarii among all the new ones.

Yes Steven Moffat has taken over as show runner/exec producer and lead writer. He actually quit the Steven Spielberg/Peter Jackson Tin TIn movies to take on the role. Something Spielberg was rather annoyed about. A few writers are staying on like Toby Whithouse, Mark Gatiss and Chris Chibnall. Big news is that Neil Gaiman has admitted he has written a script for the next season. Russel T Davies and Julie Gardner the 'terrible twosome' from the earlier seasons are now in the US working on the new Torchwood with BBC America and FOX.
Delixe: Yes Steven Moffat has taken over as show runner/exec producer and lead writer. He actually quit the Steven Spielberg/Peter Jackson Tin TIn movies to take on the role. Something Spielberg was rather annoyed about. A few writers are staying on like Toby Whithouse, Mark Gatiss and Chris Chibnall. Big news is that Neil Gaiman has admitted he has written a script for the next season. Russel T Davies and Julie Gardner the 'terrible twosome' from the earlier seasons are now in the US working on the new Torchwood with BBC America and FOX.

So, I'm a bit behind on my Who knowledge. If you'd written that Neil Gaiman had written an episode and the the US were making Torchwood a couple of days ago I wouldn't have believed a word. I can't wait to see Gaiman's episode, not so much an American Torchwood.
rewsan: I can't wait to see Gaiman's episode, not so much an American Torchwood.

You will be waiting a while, it's in series 6 so it's at least a year away. I have no problem with a US version of Torchwood. It will follow on from Children of Earth and the UK cast are *spoiler*
pretty much killed off anyway *spoiler* , only John Barrowman is confirmed as returning.
Delixe: [ I have no problem with a US version of Torchwood. It will follow on from Children of Earth

Ok, if it's a continuation rather than a brand new series it may be ok. Just as long as it isn't as bad as Paul McGann's Who that attempted to attract the American market. I still reckon he could have been good if he'd had a better story.
i enjoyed it. I always give changes to a show 3 episodes b4 i make a final judgement thou it looks like it will be good hope the good stories continue!
rewsan: Just as long as it isn't as bad as Paul McGann's Who that attempted to attract the American market. I still reckon he could have been good if he'd had a better story.

He's proved that, get some of the Big Finish audio stories, mcgann had heaps of those and were mostly really good
"Get a girlfriend, Jeff." LOL
Not a bad episode actually. Quite like this new guy. Though thinking of David Tennant makes me sad. :(
Okay, seriously? WHO DA MAN?
Wow, did anyone see the coming soon on the last episode? BRITISH DALEKS AND A WEIRD BRITISH SPACESHIP ISLAND THING HOLY SHITTTT
Post edited April 05, 2010 by michaelleung
michaelleung: Wow, did anyone see the coming soon on the last episode? BRITISH DALEKS AND A WEIRD BRITISH SPACESHIP ISLAND THING HOLY SHITTTT

And the 'Don't Blink' statues will be back!!!!
rewsan: Just as long as it isn't as bad as Paul McGann's Who that attempted to attract the American market. I still reckon he could have been good if he'd had a better story.
Aliasalpha: He's proved that, get some of the Big Finish audio stories, mcgann had heaps of those and were mostly really good

Yeah, I listened to a few of them when they were on the radio, I really enjoyed the Top Gear rip off.
Post edited April 05, 2010 by rewsan
Great episode. I agree with the comments about clever, fast moving, exciting script. For me, the jury is still out on Matt Smith. David Tenant is a tough act to follow. I think he was the perfect Doctor for this point in the character's development (please not the qualifier and do not flame me). Part of what make Tenant so great was depth. So far, I have only seen Smith do the goofy frantic heroic side of the Doctor. I'll know if he is going to work out once I see him tackle the tragic side.
I was very nervous that Davies left, but the writing seems top notch.
I haven't seen an episode of Doctor Who in over 20 or so years. Pretty much because Colin Baker ruined it and Sylvester McCoy just did nothing to improve it overall. But I saw the trailer at the end of this last episode and based on that decided to give this one a go.
I was not disappointed. Although Matt Smith still has nothing on Tom Baker =)