wodmarach: It would also explain his and rassilons mutual hate in the new years special that shouldn't be mentioned ever again
Delixe: You would think that a nice touch by Rusty but I doubt it crossed his mind. Besides none of the five Doctors that encountered Rassilon in the five Doctors was angered by him. I suppose it could be argued he has started remembering things since his seventh incarnation but in truth the series has been through so many producers that applying the word canon to Doctor Who is completely futile.
There is no Canon only producers ;) For example the first doctor only had 1 heart, second said the tardis caused regeneration (infact it's heavily implied to be artificial until the 5th-6th) and that he'd done it hundreds of times before...
Moffat however is a BAFB his love of DW brought him into tv and writing I think he'll bring back a number of the old plot points and fix the timeline