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wodmarach: Yeah I honestly wouldn't be suprised if he does a special on the 50th bday where he recreates the unearthly child and kicks a new season in with a true reboot
Delixe: Going back to it and crossing time streams is possible, it's been done before many times. They could have 11 going back to watch the events of Unearthly Child recreating the set and getting new actors to play First and Susan but then have events play out differently so something is mucking around with his personal history. It would be a great way of introducing new fans to the older Doctors while at the same time retconing events into a new more stable timeline.
It's either this or completely remove the stupid ass timewar from the universe tbh that is causing more problems than it solved. Fine rusty thought the TL's too powerful to be in the show but come on they are the oldest humanoid race ffs they were millions of years ahead (Ras' supposedly seeded humanoid life to the universe to stop something bad happening...) I see no problem with them being around and having an official non interference policy and using the doctor as their unofficial method...
Delixe: He's already thrown out the 13 regenerations rule which was just a throwaway line in the 80's to add some drama.
Wait what?
Rusty throw it out not Moffet. And even then only in an episode of Sarah Jane, how canon is that? (or is there something I'm forgetting?)

Delixe: they just need VO's for Hartnel and Troughton.
If you've heard any of the 2nd Doctor adventures from Big Finish then you'll know that Frazer Hines (who played Jaime) does an excellent impression of Troughton.
Post edited October 31, 2011 by Matchstickman
wodmarach: It's either this or completely remove the stupid ass timewar from the universe tbh that is causing more problems than it solved.
The simple way to stop the Time War from happening is to interfere with the events of Genesis of the Daleks which was the opening shot of the Time War so to speak. It was the Time Lord involvement in that which caused the Daleks to focus their efforts on destroying them which cause the escallation of events. If Skaro had been allowed to sort things out without interfereance the Daleks would have evolved differently. They would still have been a threat to the universe after destroying the Dals but they and Davros might not have invested in Time Travel tech as heavily as they did,
Matchstickman: Rusty throw it out not Moffet. And even then only in an episode of Sarah Jane, how canon is that? (or is there something I'm forgetting?)
Moffat was asked the question directly at comic con before the Sarah Jane episode and said he planned to ignore it. His reasoning was that when it was written 12 regenerations sounded like a lot but here we are 30 years later and we are up to Doctor 11 now.
Matchstickman: If you've heard any of the 2nd Doctor adventures from Big Finish then you'll know that Frazer Hines (who played Jaime) does an excellent impression of Troughton.
If they had Doctor 2 in a special the fanboy in me would really expect Jamie as well. Unless Hines can pull off both roles I think he should remain as Jamie. I kinda thought again Troughton's own son David might be able to do it. He's no stranger to Who having been in Midnight.
Post edited October 31, 2011 by Delixe
Delixe: Moffat was asked the question directly at comic con before the Sarah Jane episode and said he planned to ignore it. His reasoning was that when it was written 12 regenerations sounded like a lot but here we are 30 years later and we are up to Doctor 11 now.
Unless he plans on being around for another 2 or 3 regenerations there's absolutely no way he can enforce that.
I'll wait for stuff to happen 'in universe' to prove or disprove your real world statements thank you Mr Moffet.

Delixe: If they had Doctor 2 in a special the fanboy in me would really expect Jamie as well. Unless Hines can pull off both roles I think he should remain as Jamie.
I thought V.O. meant Voice Over; did you mean that by V.O? With 'just' a voice to do putting Jamie in a scene too would be easy enough.

Delixe: I kinda thought again Troughton's own son David might be able to do it.
When I first Heard Frazer doing Troughton's voice, I thought they had!
Post edited October 31, 2011 by Matchstickman
Delixe: If they had Doctor 2 in a special the fanboy in me would really expect Jamie as well. Unless Hines can pull off both roles I think he should remain as Jamie. I kinda thought again Troughton's own son David might be able to do it. He's no stranger to Who having been in Midnight.
or since the deaths have taken the first 3 you could do it by having the doctors past lives being killed off
Matchstickman: Meh.
Unless he plans on being around for another 2 or 3 regenerations there's absolutely no way he can enforce that.
I'll wait for stuff to happen 'in universe' to prove or disprove your real world statements thank you Mr Moffet.
He's known to have said something like I'm in it till I die or they fire me...
Post edited October 31, 2011 by wodmarach
Matchstickman: Meh.
Unless he plans on being around for another 2 or 3 regenerations there's absolutely no way he can enforce that.
I'll wait for stuff to happen 'in universe' to prove or disprove your real world statements thank you Mr Moffet.
wodmarach: He's known to have said something like I'm in it till I die or they fire me...
He's good... but I hope they fire him. DW has always been a mishmash of voices, of changing styles and we've had some great ideas come out because of it (and some terrible ones). I'd rather not have a single voice dictating it from now until it ends.
Delixe: If they had Doctor 2 in a special the fanboy in me would really expect Jamie as well. Unless Hines can pull off both roles I think he should remain as Jamie.
Matchstickman: I thought V.O. meant Voice Over; did you mean that by V.O? With 'just' a voice to do putting Jamie in a scene too would be easy enough.
Yes I mean voice over. It's possible to have him do both roles but it's better for actors to play off against one another even if it's in a studio. Aside from the first three actors being dead the rest have all aged and shall we say grown? Both Bakers are almost unrecognisable, Davison looked ok in Time Crash but clearly far older than he appeared at his death in Caves of Androzani. Sylvester McCoy is still a big fan of the show but again looks very old and looked quite ill last time I saw him, needing a walking stick. McGann is happy to come back as long as he doesn't have to wear the wig. Eccleston repeatedly says he won't come back for any reason. The only one who could walk into the show and be instantly recognisable would be Tennant.
*off topic*
But i only liked Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant in the role of The Doctor .
wodmarach: He's known to have said something like I'm in it till I die or they fire me...
Matchstickman: He's good... but I hope they fire him. DW has always been a mishmash of voices, of changing styles and we've had some great ideas come out because of it (and some terrible ones). I'd rather not have a single voice dictating it from now until it ends.
remember though DW in all it's years has only had 4 or 5 producers, verity lambert, JNT, Rusty and moffet off the top of my head
ne_zavarj: *off topic*
But i only liked Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant in the role of The Doctor .
you must never have seen WH, PT, JP or TB then I pity you seriously I do...
Post edited October 31, 2011 by wodmarach
Matchstickman: I'd rather not have a single voice dictating it from now until it ends.
Personally I think one person in charge for a few years establishing a proper canon is exactly what the show needs. Too many producers with conflicting ideas have muddled the history a little too much which makes it hard for new fans to understand the older series'. One of the strengths of shows like Star Trek (until they let that idiot Abrams at the helm) is there was the book of canon. Writers had guidelines explaining races, politics, technology in great detail so you can jump in pretty much anywhere in a Trek timeline and get up to speed quickly, you can't really do the same with Who. The rule I most hated RTD introduced was the whole TARDIS becoming a part of events. It robbed the show of it's main tool which is Time Travel. Moffat seems to have disregarded that one as well because Time has been very flexible in his charge.
wodmarach: remember though DW in all it's years has only had 4 or 5 producers, verity lambert, JNT, Rusty and moffet off the top of my head
Philip Segal for the movie or Enemy Within if you prefer who had the great idea of adding the Half-Human line >_>
Post edited October 31, 2011 by Delixe
wodmarach: you must never have seen WH, PT, JP or TB then I pity you seriously I do...
envy him for he is yet to experience their greatness...

(not like i experienced it myself :P )
I'll just leave this here...
wodmarach: I'll just leave this here...
I don't...
wodmarach: I'll just leave this here...
Delixe: I don't...
and my work here is done!
wodmarach: I'll just leave this here...
You owe me the cleaning bill for the vomit.