wodmarach: It's either this or completely remove the stupid ass timewar from the universe tbh that is causing more problems than it solved.
The simple way to stop the Time War from happening is to interfere with the events of Genesis of the Daleks which was the opening shot of the Time War so to speak. It was the Time Lord involvement in that which caused the Daleks to focus their efforts on destroying them which cause the escallation of events. If Skaro had been allowed to sort things out without interfereance the Daleks would have evolved differently. They would still have been a threat to the universe after destroying the Dals but they and Davros might not have invested in Time Travel tech as heavily as they did,
Matchstickman: Rusty throw it out not Moffet. And even then only in an episode of Sarah Jane, how canon is that? (or is there something I'm forgetting?)
Moffat was asked the question directly at comic con before the Sarah Jane episode and said he planned to ignore it. His reasoning was that when it was written 12 regenerations sounded like a lot but here we are 30 years later and we are up to Doctor 11 now.
Matchstickman: If you've heard any of the 2nd Doctor adventures from Big Finish then you'll know that Frazer Hines (who played Jaime) does an excellent impression of Troughton.
If they had Doctor 2 in a special the fanboy in me would really expect Jamie as well. Unless Hines can pull off both roles I think he should remain as Jamie. I kinda thought again Troughton's own son David might be able to do it. He's no stranger to Who having been in Midnight.