Posted April 19, 2010
The new series was specifically designed for people who had never seen the show before so its a good starting point. You can then dip in and out of the classic series as the mood takes you. Although The Doctor is the same person his personality varies between each incarnation. Doctor Eleven is already showing more of a ruthless streak absent from "I'm so sorry" Ten.
The Sarah Jane adventures is very much a kids show however I still watch it as some of the stories are actually better and more mature than those in Doctor Who. Especially take the time to watch the episode Whatever happened to Sarah Jane?
Torchwood series one was a complete and total mess. There were several behind the scenes reasons for this but that still doesn't excuse the total garbage that was Cyberwoman. Torchwood series two was a massive improvement and is well worth watching. The mini-series that is Torchwood: Children of Earth is probably the finest piece of television I have seen in years.