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The new series was specifically designed for people who had never seen the show before so its a good starting point. You can then dip in and out of the classic series as the mood takes you. Although The Doctor is the same person his personality varies between each incarnation. Doctor Eleven is already showing more of a ruthless streak absent from "I'm so sorry" Ten.
The Sarah Jane adventures is very much a kids show however I still watch it as some of the stories are actually better and more mature than those in Doctor Who. Especially take the time to watch the episode Whatever happened to Sarah Jane?
Torchwood series one was a complete and total mess. There were several behind the scenes reasons for this but that still doesn't excuse the total garbage that was Cyberwoman. Torchwood series two was a massive improvement and is well worth watching. The mini-series that is Torchwood: Children of Earth is probably the finest piece of television I have seen in years.
Delixe: The new series was specifically designed for people who had never seen the show before so its a good starting point. You can then dip in and out of the classic series as the mood takes you. Although The Doctor is the same person his personality varies between each incarnation. Doctor Eleven is already showing more of a ruthless streak absent from "I'm so sorry" Ten.
The Sarah Jane adventures is very much a kids show however I still watch it as some of the stories are actually better and more mature than those in Doctor Who. Especially take the time to watch the episode Whatever happened to Sarah Jane?
Torchwood series one was a complete and total mess. There were several behind the scenes reasons for this but that still doesn't excuse the total garbage that was Cyberwoman. Torchwood series two was a massive improvement and is well worth watching. The mini-series that is Torchwood: Children of Earth is probably the finest piece of television I have seen in years.

Ah, I see, that's very helpful. Especially the stuff considering Torchwood, because I find the premise very interesting, but I heard some very bad things about it (from people who stopped watching during the first season). I'll just skip the first season then :)
LordCinnamon: Ah, I see, that's very helpful. Especially the stuff considering Torchwood, because I find the premise very interesting, but I heard some very bad things about it (from people who stopped watching during the first season). I'll just skip the first season then :)

Nah, watch the first season. It's decent enough, it just gets better with the second.
On the subject of the newest episode...
It really annoyed me that the doctor didn't sacrifice the scientist bloke for the greater good. Could have got the spitfire to continue shooting the spaceship, bundled the scientist into the tardis and then dropped the scientist off somewhere to blow up where he wouldn't affect anything.
Of course, they wouldn't do that, cos they need the Daleks as the big bad enemy.
Otherwise, it was a good episode, just fed up with New Who's reliance on the Daleks (and to a lesser extent the Cybermen).
Was I the only pervert that wanted to see some hot girl-on-girl action between Amy and Blanche (the girl who finds out that her boyfriend is killed at the end of the episode)?
AndrewC: Was I the only pervert that wanted to see some hot girl-on-girl action between Amy and Blanche (the girl who finds out that her boyfriend is killed at the end of the episode)?

I'm sure you weren't the only pervert.
As for myself, I couldn't possibly comment.
LordCinnamon: I didn't know who doctor who was. All I knew about the series was that there was a police box in fallout and that this somehow was a reference to the show. I just watched the first new episode.
It's.. so.. AWESOME. Personally I *love* Matt Smith's performance, but of course I have nothing to compare it to.
So, since I already feel my soul spiraling down the black hole, which of the seasons should I watch first? A rough ranking in awesomeness? Is there a reason to watch them chronologically? GIVE ME MORE DOCTOR WHO NOW.

Aww its so cute to watch someone lose their virginity
If you're interested in seeing the older episodes, you'll have to forgive them for their comparatively low production values and the fact they were inventing half the techniques they used. I'd recommend the following episodes:
The Dalek Invasion Of Earth
Tomb Of The Cybermen
The Claws Of Axos
Genesis Of The Daleks
Warriors Of The Deep or Ressurection Of The Daleks
The Two Doctors or Attack Of The Cybermen (attack & ressurection are linked by a guest character)
The Curse Of Fenric or Silver Nemesis or Rememberance Of The Daleks
Post edited April 19, 2010 by Aliasalpha
Matchstickman: I half expected the new Daleks to say
rather than their traditional phrase.
really, no other reason to change them than that.

Agreed. It's even underscored by the fact they explain what the different colors/designations are -- as if that's really important to the viewer? Why would you need a different strategist and commander? Why would you need a scientist Dalek when all of them are allegedly geniuses? What the hell is an 'eternal' Dalek? I can live with the colors but the overall design is just clunky and awkward -- too much junk in the trunk!
To the actual story I don't understand why the old Daleks were 'impure' -- if they were the ones that Davros created then they couldn't be anymore pure since presumably Davros would be the last source of Kaled/Dalek DNA left in existence.
Oh and to name a few of the better episodes per Doctor for the guy a few posts above: Revelation of the Daleks is a pretty good Sixth story, Enlightenment a pretty good Fifth, Ghost Light a pretty good Seventh, City of Death for the Fourth, Planet of the Spiders for Three, War Games (I think it was called that) for Two, and Dalek Invasion of Earth for One!
Post edited April 20, 2010 by Metro09
Daleks in different colors! Now I can choose which one gets to kill me!
Metro09: Why would you need a different strategist and commander? Why would you need a scientist Dalek when all of them are allegedly geniuses? What the hell is an 'eternal' Dalek? I can live with the colors but the overall design is just clunky and awkward -- too much junk in the trunk!

So they can tie them in easily with the game and have each of them have a specific purpose.
michaelleung: Daleks in different colors! Now I can choose which one gets to kill me!

The choices and combinations are just so....scarey?
Post edited April 20, 2010 by BrainCandy
Private Eye posted the truth about the new Daleks. It was indeed for merchandising mainly because the BBC cut Doctor Who's budget so the Grand Moff had to go cap in hand to BBC Worldwide and they suggested a new Dalek toy range would bring in more revenue. As for the colours it's well known that Moff is a fan of the Peter Cushing Doctor Who movies so thats probably where the idea came from.
And what did everyone think of the new episode?
I liked it quite a bit.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: And what did everyone think of the new episode?
I liked it quite a bit.

I liked it a lot. The only thing that spoiled it was River Song. I really am starting to hate her.
Not a fan of Song, Alex Kingston went very much over the top with the character.
However, the actual episode was probably my favourite of this new series, really looking forward to the next one.
Little bit of influence from "Ring" where the angel comes out of the screen, and seemingly 40k too (soldier monks?).
I've just caught up with the last couple of episodes, wasn't too sure about the Dalek episode it was a bit too silly for me, you could tell it was from one of the League of Gentlemen guys.
This weeks though was very good, I really like the Crying Angels, very scary and had the wife hiding behind a pillow. Also is there something to do with educational buildings and River Song? The 1st time they met was in The Library (in the Doctors time line anyway) and this episode started in a museum. I also liked the Blink reference with the communicating via video.