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Lone3wolf: I know Murkia is a few weeks behind, but didn't you see the 1st episode where Dr meets her as a child? Skip 10 years, and it#s the eve of her wedding....he makes an actual appearance a few episodes later,

Just wait until you have seen yesterday's episode before commenting any more on this.
This be spoiler-laden terrain.
I have several minor issues with the last episode.
Firstly, classification of silurians as Homo reptilia, which is a bit silly.
The one being killed by a tazer seemed odd too, I was expecting her to just be stunned. Perhaps she had a heart condition?
The total number of silurians seemed very small compared to the UK armed forces they'd have to defeat if they wanted to take back the planet (let alone all the other countries that might not be keen on the idea). I'd have brought that up in the negotiations.
How can the doctor put his arm in the crack? In the earlier episode with the angels, the Dr tells people not to even look at it when it's open like that...
Anyway, the very last bit was interesting enough though, will be interested to see how they resolve the issue with the crack.
Lone3wolf: I know Murkia is a few weeks behind, but didn't you see the 1st episode where Dr meets her as a child? Skip 10 years, and it#s the eve of her wedding....he makes an actual appearance a few episodes later,
LordCinnamon: Just wait until you have seen yesterday's episode before commenting any more on this.
This be spoiler-laden terrain.

I saw it as it aired. And I've not given anything away that Americans shouldn't know by not having seen the last 2-3 episodes :P
Unlike Andy_Panthro there :D
Andy_Panthro: Firstly, classification of silurians as Homo reptilia, which is a bit silly.

I just figured it was a joke. But it was silly nevertheless.
Andy_Panthro: The total number of silurians seemed very small compared to the UK armed forces they'd have to defeat if they wanted to take back the planet (let alone all the other countries that might not be keen on the idea). I'd have brought that up in the negotiations.

Well, if they were negotiating with the soldier lady, that would have been relevant. She seemed to underestimate the level of human development, but the guy they were talking didn't, and was buddies with the scientist, who surely must have informed him about the current state of affairs on the surface.
Andy_Panthro: How can the doctor put his arm in the crack? In the earlier episode with the angels, the Dr tells people not to even look at it when it's open like that...

Special time lord resistance? Part with the crack was very sad though :(
Well, that said, from what I've seen so far (the first new season and the current season), Doctor Who's strength isn't the watertight plot XD
Lone3wolf: Unlike Andy_Panthro there :D

Well, surely if you're a few episodes behind you shouldn't be reading a thread about doctor who?
I do have to admit to having been very sceptical of Matt Smith when he was first announced as looking like a cross between a 'useless fop' and a 'grammer school twit', but he's definitely head and shoulders above what I thought.
Of course, part of it might be the welcome departure of Russell T Davies who had rapidly become unbearable as a producer, and especially the hopeful final sight of the chav like Rose. RTD's obsession with her was annoying.
Plus Karen Gilliam is a hell of a lot hotter. :)
Lone3wolf: I saw it as it aired. And I've not given anything away that Americans shouldn't know by not having seen the last 2-3 episodes :P
Unlike Andy_Panthro there :D

Then you should get that the whole "Who's Rory?" is a joke that ties in to the last episode? Ur vf ab ybatre va ure zrzbel nf pbhyq or frra ng gur raq bs gur rcvfbqr.(rot13) so indeed, Who's Rory?
Lone3wolf: I saw it as it aired. And I've not given anything away that Americans shouldn't know by not having seen the last 2-3 episodes :P
Unlike Andy_Panthro there :D
AndrewC: Then you should get that the whole "Who's Rory?" is a joke that ties in to the last episode? Ur vf ab ybatre va ure zrzbel nf pbhyq or frra ng gur raq bs gur rcvfbqr.(rot13) so indeed, Who's Rory?

Poor bastard is who he is. I mean um, whose Rory? ;)
SirEnity: Who's Rory?

Rory what?
Andy_Panthro: The one being killed by a tazer seemed odd too, I was expecting her to just be stunned. Perhaps she had a heart condition?

I thought they were going to reveal that she'd taken a slow acting poison, got captured on purpose and died as a way to provoke the war she so desperately wanted, but maybe I was thinking about it too much.
Andy_Panthro: Firstly, classification of silurians as Homo reptilia, which is a bit silly.

It's what they were always called back in the Pertwee and Davison stories.
Andy_Panthro: The one being killed by a tazer seemed odd too, I was expecting her to just be stunned. Perhaps she had a heart condition?

Perhaps Silurians are far more vulnerable to electricity than we are?
Andy_Panthro: The total number of silurians seemed very small compared to the UK armed forces they'd have to defeat if they wanted to take back the planet (let alone all the other countries that might not be keen on the idea). I'd have brought that up in the negotiations.

The Silurians ability to attack anywhere from underground coupled with their advanced technology would have meant a very bloody war no matter the actual numbers.
Andy_Panthro: Anyway, the very last bit was interesting enough though, will be interested to see how they resolve the issue with the crack.

It's the thing inside the crack thats the problem, not the crack itself. We clearly saw that light creeping out of it to touch Rory.
Post edited May 30, 2010 by Delixe
Andy_Panthro: The one being killed by a tazer seemed odd too, I was expecting her to just be stunned. Perhaps she had a heart condition?
rewsan: I thought they were going to reveal that she'd taken a slow acting poison, got captured on purpose and died as a way to provoke the war she so desperately wanted, but maybe I was thinking about it too much.

That would have taken more time to explain. Better to keep it short and stupid and to confuse us I suppose.
These episodes are way too short.
DosFreak: These episodes are way too short.

Common complaint and quite true. The original series used mainly 4 episodes but they were shorter. Every story in the new format need to fit 40-65mins. This means you get rushed episodes like Victory of the Daleks.
Very true, I've got a few of the old ones, and a story like Dalek Invasion of Earth or Invasion was between 6 and 8 episodes at times. Granted, each episode of the old series was a bit shorter, but still......
Andy_Panthro: The one being killed by a tazer seemed odd too, I was expecting her to just be stunned. Perhaps she had a heart condition?
rewsan: I thought they were going to reveal that she'd taken a slow acting poison, got captured on purpose and died as a way to provoke the war she so desperately wanted, but maybe I was thinking about it too much.

Are Silurians cold-blooded? Would that have made a difference if they were? I dunno, but I didn't think the Doctor being so mean to her was really justified, she hadn't gone in there to kill the prisoner and she was trying to save her family, whereas the Silurian was just a nasty piece of work (seriously, it seemed like it was the Silurians who needed to spend some time evolving, not the humans).